Author Topic: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)  (Read 59393 times)

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #210 on: July 26, 2014, 03:23:52 pm »
Very interesting map.
All kind of biotopes and lots of land/naval choke points.

There is even a mont doom in the bottom-left  :P
If it is a continent-map size, it will be fun to host every players on it.

In the FAQ it stands that the world is hosted by several servers together, and manual blocking is disabled cause it would teer too much capacity of the internet.

But still, how do you think about settling somewhere together, making like 3 Warbands and all together we are Empire of Calradia :P?
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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #211 on: July 26, 2014, 05:13:40 pm »
someone could definitely make a dragon stone island on the east side

heres hoping there are more valuable fertile lands in centre or something so we have a risk vs reward hotspot. rather than everyone on islands tho

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #212 on: July 26, 2014, 06:59:11 pm »
But still, how do you think about settling somewhere together, making like 3 Warbands and all together we are Empire of Calradia :P?

If I'm still around when its finished and the game is sound, I'll probably try  :twisted:

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #213 on: July 26, 2014, 09:23:39 pm »
let me tell you, on the last time the server was up, i spent like 4 hours leveling fucking dirt so we had a nice plateau to build a village on.  I then spent another 3 hours cutting trees down and sawing them into boards and logs to build a........get ready for it, i know your thinking cabin, nope youre wrong, a tiny shack, its the size of a shed you store your lawn mower in.  This game is all about having a thriving metropolis of people helping to make sure your kingdom is constantly functioning, i guess you could hermit it all by yourself, but you will be so far behind in terms of resources that itll be just as if you were alone irl in the woods, you are literally roughing it. 

Every single bit of this game just screams Haven & Hearth, i fucking love it.  I highly recommend people play H&H, even if you cant see past the 2d graphics, its essentially what you will be playing, in 3d of course.

btw, i can answer some vague questions if anyone has any.

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #214 on: July 26, 2014, 09:32:22 pm »
This game is all about having a thriving metropolis of people helping to make sure your kingdom is constantly functioning, i guess you could hermit it all by yourself, but you will be so far behind in terms of resources that itll be just as if you were alone irl in the woods, you are literally roughing it. 

btw, i can answer some vague questions if anyone has any.

So it's pretty much like Strat ? Big blocks of brainless and/or lifeless polished/russian serfs grinding it out (& glitching the hell out of every possible exploits in their way) so their halfwit leaders can laugh at those pathetic sobs trying to play a fair & square game beside their real life obligations ?
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #215 on: July 26, 2014, 09:58:51 pm »
they leave you the option to play alone

Except for the fact that they don't. You're naive Emile, if you think that you will be allowed to live in your swamp cottage, hunt frogs & enjoy their roasted legs next to your campfire, that's not how it works.

Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #216 on: July 26, 2014, 09:59:20 pm »
let me tell you, on the last time the server was up, i spent like 4 hours leveling fucking dirt so we had a nice plateau to build a village on.  I then spent another 3 hours cutting trees down and sawing them into boards and logs to build a........get ready for it, i know your thinking cabin, nope youre wrong, a tiny shack, its the size of a shed you store your lawn mower in.  This game is all about having a thriving metropolis of people helping to make sure your kingdom is constantly functioning, i guess you could hermit it all by yourself, but you will be so far behind in terms of resources that itll be just as if you were alone irl in the woods, you are literally roughing it. 

Every single bit of this game just screams Haven & Hearth, i fucking love it.  I highly recommend people play H&H, even if you cant see past the 2d graphics, its essentially what you will be playing, in 3d of course.

btw, i can answer some vague questions if anyone has any.

Well, they are aiming to have some realistic building, not like you have one tree and can build a nice shack already.
Theres a very important one on my side, can you walk through water, are are you actually swimming? Any further information about water would be nice - If you cant go in it, how to cross it?

About cRPG Kingdom, my Friends and i will go to a nice big spot, our plan was to draw you with us and form something like 3 Warbands and we are one Kingdom together, but i dont want to show the spot :-P
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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #217 on: July 26, 2014, 11:03:14 pm »
What was this game called again?

Life wouldnt be very Feudal if being a lone wanderer allowed you to be some awesome demi-god on the battlefield, or incredibly rich, or incredibly influential. It's Feudal, organize yourself into a society/group if you want EVERYTHING, they leave you the option to play alone, but you'll never have EVERYTHING if you do. And i like that.

ya thats just it, if you want to rule land, just like in feudal times you are going to have to pull everyone together for the greater good of your lands, because hoarding shit, or playing alone makes you weak.

Except for the fact that they don't. You're naive Emile, if you think that you will be allowed to live in your swamp cottage, hunt frogs & enjoy their roasted legs next to your campfire, that's not how it works.

i would actually say you are both right, if u want to eat froglegs in your swamp, you absolutely may do so, but, i think a time may come where someone claims the land you are on as a kingdom, and when that occurs, unless you are well off the trodden path, you either make peace with them, maybe give them goods to stay, like a feudal system, or move on.  Sounds pretty much on par for what i would expect would occur in that time period.

Well, they are aiming to have some realistic building, not like you have one tree and can build a nice shack already.
Theres a very important one on my side, can you walk through water, are are you actually swimming? Any further information about water would be nice - If you cant go in it, how to cross it?

About cRPG Kingdom, my Friends and i will go to a nice big spot, our plan was to draw you with us and form something like 3 Warbands and we are one Kingdom together, but i dont want to show the spot :-P

you swim, as soon as you go deep enough to swim, you start swimming in it, eventually they plan on adding boats, so that you can transport and or have naval combat.  Ill tell you its a ways off however, as they havent even got into putting animals into the game yet, like chickens and deer, or horses for that matter.

Oh and you can fish, idk if you wanted to know that or not, but yes you can fish, and the map has a sea level.

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #218 on: July 26, 2014, 11:09:14 pm »
you swim, as soon as you go deep enough to swim, you start swimming in it, eventually they plan on adding boats, so that you can transport and or have naval combat.  Ill tell you its a ways off however, as they havent even got into putting animals into the game yet, like chickens and deer, or horses for that matter.

Oh and you can fish, idk if you wanted to know that or not, but yes you can fish, and the map has a sea level.

Thanks, i know about fish and that theyll add boats, im checking the wiki, but i didnt found something about swimming, except right now i found the swimming skill D:
But thanks.
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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #219 on: July 26, 2014, 11:09:27 pm »
i would actually say you are both right, if u want to eat froglegs in your swamp, you absolutely may do so, but, i think a time may come where someone claims the land you are on as a kingdom, and when that occurs, unless you are well off the trodden path, you either make peace with them, maybe give them goods to stay, like a feudal system, or move on.  Sounds pretty much on par for what i would expect would occur in that time period.

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #220 on: July 26, 2014, 11:10:28 pm »
My question is simple: is the PVP completely free, as we could say the real world is?

Secondary question linked to the first: is it easy to erase 10 hours of time investment with 1 minute of destruction?

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #221 on: July 27, 2014, 12:38:24 am »
Secondary question linked to the first: is it easy to erase 10 hours of time investment with 1 minute of destruction?

Can help u further in that than heskey .... maybe.

Well, construction will take quite long and you may need realistic amount of stuff. I dont know if you can destroy building with just hammers or something if you are not part of the claiment.
Still saying, i already listed it some sites ago; When none of your guild members are online you cant get attacked and destroyed ;)
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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #222 on: July 27, 2014, 02:19:24 am »
My question is simple: is the PVP completely free, as we could say the real world is?

Secondary question linked to the first: is it easy to erase 10 hours of time investment with 1 minute of destruction?

pvp is completely free, you may kill whomever you like, whenever you like(the only exception is in the center trading town, which is pvp free, its the only place that all players can gather without harm and trade peacefully).  Combat ends with a player being knocked out, you may then leave them, or execute them, if im not mistaken, a player can die in combat, but this requires both his soft hp and hard hp to be gone, you pass out when your soft hp is gone.  Killing someone, or rather dying makes you lose skill points similar to like say Eve online, of course no clones lol, but you get what im saying, if your pilot dies, you lose X amount of skill points, it ends up setting you back. 

The alignment system is in place to check random pking, so it wont necessarily be a free for all frag fest, as if you get a terrible alignment, you will lose out your ass in skill points the time you die.  The alignment system is set in this manner, -50 being essentially evil, 0 neutral, which is what you start with, and +50 being a good feller.  negative alignment is gained by attacking people unprovoked, killing them, stealing, etc.  Once  you ohit -50 however, if im not mistaken, you are -50 permanently.  Positive alignment is gained through praying if i am correct.  So if you have a bad alignment say -50, upon death, you will lose 90% of your skill points, so the loss is huge!(this is a analogy, check the wiki for the correct numbers)  Where as if your alignment is 50+, you will lose say, only 10% of your skill points.  So there is a set system in place to make sure its not a deathmatch. 

Also, during war, all kills of the warring factions do not count towards alignment, as you are killing people for the kingdom, you arent being "evil" persay for the sake of it, you are doing it because you must, or whatever you want to believe or tell yourself to justify your war, either way, it doesnt effect your alignment.

If you have ever played Haven & Hearth, the perma death in that strikes a very heavy blow to your character, even though you can inherit a set amount of your earlier players stats, it never makes up for the loss.  This is nowhere near that loss, and id say is more akin to not having a good clone in Eve online where you lose skill points, but it isnt going to crush you, unless you are a huge asshole and have terrible alignment.

Second question. Full loot, so i guess so, no idea about the buildings yet as they havent shown much of that.

Well, construction will take quite long and you may need realistic amount of stuff. I dont know if you can destroy building with just hammers or something if you are not part of the claiment.
Still saying, i already listed it some sites ago; When none of your guild members are online you cant get attacked and destroyed ;)

Land is claimed using a large stone monument that is constucted, once constructed it claims the land around it based on some numbers which i dont know, you will have to find it in the wiki.  Anyways, this stone can only be destroyed by a faction declaring war on the other and destroying it in war.  However, until that time, nobody can grief you or anything along those lines, so nobody can destroy your shit while your offline.  They also cannot tunnel into your base, as once the tunnel is opened in your base, they cant walk up into your land, as its "protected".  Just measures to stop griefing and the likes.

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Also note, there are three types of claims, a personal claim, and a village/kingdom claim, lastly a realm claim.  Personal claims are somewhat confined to your house and curtilage, the village claim is larger, and extends somewhat beyond the towns walls, lastly, the realm claim is the land all around the town which isnt incorporated within the confines of the village.  Its more so like the land you hunt upon, or the woods around the city.
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« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 05:02:18 pm by AntiBlitz »

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #223 on: July 27, 2014, 04:58:39 am »
I`ve read alot of stuff in their wiki but I cannot figure out how the sieges are going to work. Did anybody else find information on this?

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Re: Life is Feudal (now on Steam Greenlight!)
« Reply #224 on: July 27, 2014, 03:27:11 pm »
I`ve read alot of stuff in their wiki but I cannot figure out how the sieges are going to work. Did anybody else find information on this?

sieges work in stages, first their is a declaration of war, then the guild fights battles, as battles are lost their villages claim becomes weaker, eventually it will shrink to within the walls of the city, or something along that lines, when this occurs, you may siege the village.  If you successfully siege and destroy the monument, the claim is destroyed and you can essentially loot the whole place as its all deserted. 

As far as equipment for the siege, i am not sure i have heard much talk of it, but i can only assume they will have trebuchets and the likes to bring down defenses.

If im not mistaken, the battles are set up similar to crpg in that they are scheduled battles, so that one side cant just swarm someone during the night hours or whatever.  Of course you can gank their players or trade caravans, or essentially starve them for resources like any siege.  But the large battles which will count towards the destruction of your claim are set in a sort of field combat where two armies clash.  This takes place on the server, not on a separate server.  So i think being a looter will be a very profitable class lol.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 05:07:26 pm by AntiBlitz »