Author Topic: Buff Greatsword or Return HBS / Longsword back to their original stats.  (Read 1355 times)

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Re: Buff Greatsword or Return HBS / Longsword back to their original stats.
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2012, 04:28:46 am »
People think the OP is talking about all great swords, but he just means the weapon named Great Sword, which is a shorter, faster, and weaker German GS.

I'd rather see it get more thrust damage instead of more cut damage, personally.  Or switch the looming bonus to +3 pierce and +2 cut instead of the other way around.
Says the guy that only uses a great sword.
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Re: Buff Greatsword or Return HBS / Longsword back to their original stats.
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2012, 04:37:48 am »
Says the guy that only uses a great sword.

I have one too, although I don't see it as much. The suggestion to switch loom bonuses is actually a pretty good idea.
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Re: Buff Greatsword or Return HBS / Longsword back to their original stats.
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2012, 05:13:23 am »
Says the guy that only uses a great sword.

First off, I can own u with a Longsword or my new friend Mighty Bar Mace anyday, maybe unless you were using that OP noob MW Miaodao you lobbied in.  Great Sword is a nice weapon, but Sword of War is still a lot more popular. 

Anyways, I don't think the Great Sword needs a buff, but I would glady trade swing damage for thrusting damage on it.  Everyone knows most of the swords are the same thing with different models and barely any stat differences anyways, and weapons in other classes often get +3 added to thrust and +2 to swing if they are primarily thrusting weapons to begin with.

Wouldn't want it too high pierce and low cut though, because that's where the Estoc should be  :D
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Re: Buff Greatsword or Return HBS / Longsword back to their original stats.
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2012, 06:22:17 am »
People think the OP is talking about all great swords, but he just means the weapon named Great Sword, which is a shorter, faster, and weaker German GS.

I'd rather see it get more thrust damage instead of more cut damage, personally.  Or switch the looming bonus to +3 pierce and +2 cut instead of the other way around.
Yea I definitely just mean the Greatsword itself sorry for the confusion, also you're idea on looming is a good one.  TBH its thrust is great and is its best quality, but length is king in all weapons, yea its longer, but I see your point making HBS and Longsword at least viable by keeping the lower end swords up to par so every sword is used.  I still think the sword is underpowered up against some of the higher end swords.