Bah you noobs fight each other? I just backstab people, waaaaaay easier.
By no means the full list...
Gurni - My long time admin buddy.
Dugite - Incredibly difficult, kicks ass at 1h and 2h.
Bjord - Always kills me damnit.
Vibe - Dunno just a weird ass fighting style.
Huey - I wish he lived in EU.
Bigsandwich - Fights alot like me.
Teeth - I always aim for him cause pikes are cooler than longspears.
Kinngrimm - Pressing the 'e' key is the way to kill Kinn, and its so damn funny....
Anyone with a strength build 2 hander.
Leoking - Nice guy, awful build.
Glaive users.
Fuck you:
Its something of a sport that they have developed, in trying to headshot me, regardless of anything else. Its bad enough with 1 or 2. But when all 4 of them aim for me, its genuinely pointless trying to survive the round, even with a shield. Fuck you guys.