Siege has an inherent problem when banner stacking isnt limited, a problem that battle does not have.
Every siege map is some sort of castle or stronghold with rather obvious defensive flaws left in it on purpose by the designer so as to balance it for offense and defense. This is usually designed to be balanced if the server has an average population going, and if there are a somewhat equal number of organized players (or lack thereof) on either side.
If that balance gets thrown off too far - either by too high or especially too low a population, OR by one side being comprised of a large % of members from the SAME CLAN, and the other side having only scattered amounts of clan members from this or that clan (but not all organized together) and mostly "randoms" - the result is rather bad when it comes to siege, and results will be widely one sided.
I still think siege could use a lower banner balance limit (is there one at all currently?) than battle...
** As for KUTT - I'll be the first to admit you guys are not all STR/armor builds anymore, but most people refer to a time when you largely were. For me, it was always more the overwhelming numbers than anything else. Again, more of a fundamental issue with banner balance than with you guys.