Allowing everyone to pick up shields from the ground, with stat nerfs is a good idea, and could also be implemented for all other kinds of weapons such as bows with shit accuracy and damage, crossbows, oh wait they already are possible... , throwing, even things like mauls should be accessible though shitty for everyone, with reductions bigger than -1, -2 etc.
The strength requirement, however, will skew shielders even more towards balanced builds (unless you leave the bucklers for example at 9-10 strength.
The cap on shield skill damage reduction is a great idea, but I do not think the weight reduction should take place, as it will only get small shields stunned even more.
The extra weight of shields is counteracted imo by lower armor. Hell, you have a shield, you do not have to worry about armor that much, and can use the mails perfectly well... Also you will get shot less and lose less health from ranged as well
In general, though, what we need is a change of mentality, as many 2h/poles do not use a shield instead of 4-6 hitpoints simply because they are min maxers, and even this suggestion would not be a big change for them
Great, I got ninjaposted by a guy who proved my point:
At the moment archery is way under powered (you all know it) but the fact that we are forced into min maxing makes us fish in a barrel. We as 2H and polearm "heroes" cant, don't and wont carry shields as it is a disadvantage we cannot expose ourselves to.
Those with lower shield skill should also pay more upkeep for shields.
The second idea I quoted is a good one though