I cannot honestly say that bows are a viable option for ranged these days, people do ok with them, but i've only recently seen someone do WELL with one, and that was because he was picking off peasants.
mh...rly? I dont want to call any names because they are arrogant enough allready but there are still a handfull of archers topping the scoreboard. Interestingly these are the same guys who were at the top of the scoreboard pre patch. and they dont pick out peasants^^
to the topic: It seems like you guys are missing out one very important thing. it has to do with the shot rating compared high teir xbow and bow.
Archers have several advantages which come with the higher reloading speed.
1. Me as a xbower I can mostly shoot once at person, than they reach cover. this means I dont get a knowledge or feeling for the destinaton, altitude difference, running speed etc.Sure there is a general skill, which you as a bower or xbower have, but bowers will agree that the first shot on a running target, which is quite far away, misses mostly and is a "try" shot to test the things mentioned above. the second and any further shots are positioned well better because of the experience of the first shot.
Me as an xbower I rarely get this second or third chance, I have to depend on my first shot with less knowledge.
2. I need two or more shots (twice loomed sniper x) at almost everything. from quite far distance I dont even 1 shoot naked guys. So for people with low armor I need 2 shots (If they run towards me), bowmen with warbow/longbow aswell.
The difference again is, that I mostly dont get the chance for a second shot because while I am reloading the guy ran for cover whereas bowmen can mostly release a second or even third shot.