Author Topic: Is archery bugged atm?  (Read 21329 times)

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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #120 on: November 01, 2012, 12:34:46 am »
I made a 24/18 STF with 3Ath with 6 WM and 8 PD so 154 wpf and it seemed OK. Was doing some good damage to enemies and hitting consistently. Just needed to be more careful where I stopped to shoot so I could relocate without too much harassment.

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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #121 on: November 01, 2012, 12:43:32 am »
Even the worst shields have no skill requirements, cost at most 29 gold to repair, and can take at least 2 (usually several more) arrows before breaking. No weapon in the game costs 4 slots, and the No-Sheathe weapons (all 5 of them or so?) are that way for a reason. Even the largest and most expensive 2H'ers are sheathable.

Crossbows don't require any WPF investment, only strength (at most 15, which is minimum STR for virtually all melee-focus builds).

2 arrows, big whoop, won't change much agaisnt a kiter, hell it'll slow you down (a little tiny bit) and it'll be gone before you notice it.

Crossbows are meh with no wpf, and you get extra upkeep for it.
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #122 on: November 01, 2012, 12:53:38 am »
This is what they plan to do:

Oohilliac actually gave me a -1 for posting this. Like WTF, fallen rage much? Trying to suppress the info so more people rage and you get your way?....

Anyway, read that link, it details the changes that are supposed to happen with archery. (Also, blame shik)
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #123 on: November 01, 2012, 01:24:00 am »
Oohilliac actually gave me a -1 for posting this. Like WTF, fallen rage much? Trying to suppress the info so more people rage and you get your way?....

Anyway, read that link, it details the changes that are supposed to happen with archery. (Also, blame shik)
Someone linking to the Devs response and they minus it? Shows how stupid some people are.
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #124 on: November 01, 2012, 01:39:05 am »
[19:46] <@Shik> 3 7 15 24 35 48 63 80 99 120
[19:48] <@Shik> 6 14 24 36 50 66 84 104 126 150
[19:49] <@Shik> old power draw formula: (14*PD)
[19:49] <@Shik> new: (15*PD - 1.5^PD)[/b]

So, unless I'm being a total fool here and misread this, the following (for my build) happens.

I have 160 wpf in ranged (95 in 2 handed just in case anyone jumps in, I fight in melee and only run if I know I can't win, you should feel proud if I run from you, because I fear you. Fight or flight for me is a calculated decision.)

8 athletics means 80wpf reduction (proposed)
6 power draw, so (15*6)-(1.5^6) = (90)-(11.4) =  78.6. (I will assume that this is an increase to wpf.)
78.6 wpf power draw bonus offset by the 80 reduction, -1.4

So effective (with no armour) wpf is 158.6.

Someone please correct me if I have misunderstood, chances are I have but I'm sure you fantastic people will guide me in the right direction! :)
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #125 on: November 01, 2012, 01:43:52 am »
So, unless I'm being a total fool here and misread this, the following (for my build) happens.

I have 160 wpf in ranged (95 in 2 handed just in case anyone jumps in, I fight in melee and only run if I know I can't win, you should feel proud if I run from you, because I fear you. Fight or flight for me is a calculated decision.)

8 athletics means 80wpf reduction (proposed)
6 power draw, so (15*6)-(1.5^6) = (90)-(11.4) =  78.6. (I will assume that this is an increase to wpf.)
78.6 wpf power draw bonus offset by the 80 reduction, -1.4

So effective (with no armour) wpf is 158.6.

Someone please correct me if I have misunderstood, chances are I have but I'm sure you fantastic people will guide me in the right direction! :)

Half right. You got the PD bonus correct.

So that means you need MINIMUM of 78.6 to use a bow. Your Raw WPF is 160. With 8 athletics you lose 80 RAW WPF. Thereby meaning you have 80 Effective wpf which is 1.4 OVER the required.

therefore you are good, but you don't have the MASS wpf you had before. You should drop 1 ath or gain more WM, but you are high level to be you?

It's balanced at 18 agi/6 Ath. Anything higher and your cost starts to out weigh the faster speed bonus.
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #126 on: November 01, 2012, 01:59:31 am »
Half right. You got the PD bonus correct.

So that means you need MINIMUM of 78.6 to use a bow. Your Raw WPF is 160. With 8 athletics you lose 80 RAW WPF. Thereby meaning you have 80 Effective wpf which is 1.4 OVER the required.

therefore you are good, but you don't have the MASS wpf you had before. You should drop 1 ath or gain more WM, but you are high level to be you?

Aaaah, right-oh. I got my hopes up by misinterpreting this.

So before hand I was on 160 wpf, minimum needed of 15*6=90, 70 over the requirement.

Hmmm... What a load of bollocks this is turning out to be. I'd have been quite happy with an increase in bow/arrow weight where I was slower while holding the bow, but I was able to drop it when I went into melee. I have the high athletics so that I can melee, not so I can run away, sure there are archers who leg it at the first sign of trouble, and if those guys are the problem, then attack them, not those of us who actually want a bit of variety.

This just doesn't seem to be the right way to go about this... No Tenne, walk away...
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 03:37:27 am by Tennenoth »
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #127 on: November 01, 2012, 02:01:52 am »
Oi it's bugged. Archers stop whining until they fix it.

Once it's fixed, the minimum prof you will need is 78(6PD). With 6 athletics, you'd need 144 prof. PERFECTLY FINE FOR YOU!

Now just wait until they fix the damn thing so you aren't losing like 200 wpf cause of a bug.

And by perfectly fine you mean 0 effective wpf with a crosshair the size of the moon? That is 144 less wpf then what you actually have, and 0 is not going to hit anything.
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #128 on: November 01, 2012, 02:29:18 am »
On my 11th gen (not as huge as some but a decent amount), all of which were mostly 2h with a one time sword and board in there and one cav, the last two have been archer and honestly I have no interest in going back.

I've had like 7 or 8 gens of 2hander and I never had a problem with getting shot honestly here not even lying sure it was annoying but I would just try to dodge and get into melee as fast as possible not to mention I would always run high athletics and be able to catch most archers because I wore lighter armor, it's not the reason I ever even switched to archer I just got bored of melee over playing it for such a long time,

I just have no interest in melee anymore and archery allows me to play more of a support role. Do you ever see archers top the scoreboard? Rarely and if they do props to them or any other class that does, but I can guarantee archers are not scoreboard kings compared to other classes, we are a support class, I help out the infantry line and try to take out cavalry when I can, and when I'm not doing that it's because I'm busy dieing to the next paragraph.

I already die to other ranged and cavalry in a fight or lightly armored fast athletic infantry who I can't kite so what gives (try playing an archer, and believe me when your team starts dieing kiting does not work). Are you trying to tell me that the sword and board or heavy armored infantry are suppost to catch up to me? That I can't run faster then them and if I do I can't shoot as accurate? This is crazy and I don't post much on these forums even after 11 gens and never have I complained about archers in all my time being melee, these changes just can't sit with me I already have a ton of things that can kill me in a fight already and archers don't regularly top scoreboards and I'm not going to rage back to melee because I simply just don't feel like playing it anymore and I'm not going to let something like this force me to respec when I really want to be an archer, but playing an archer like this or anything remotely close to the system that sounds like it needs to be implemented won't work for me either because I think its ludicrous. So I guess i'll just have to be taking a long break because I have absolutely no incentive to play (sigh).

-Honest opinion from a player who played approx ~80% melee gens and ~20% archer.

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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #129 on: November 01, 2012, 02:54:13 am »

And by perfectly fine you mean 0 effective wpf with a crosshair the size of the moon? That is 144 less wpf then what you actually have, and 0 is not going to hit anything.

We are arguing the mechanics of it. Lets wait and see how it is before stating anything. but at 21/18 or 18/18 or 18/21 you run perfectly fine builds. You have more than enough wpf to fight  with bow at these levels. Hybrids aren't nerfed(144 is enough for 100 or so side weapon wpf) but they aren't nearly as strong as they would be currently. Str gets a buff as PD requirement is lowered, so standing and shooting high damage arrows is better than running away shooting. Means Melee can kill you...if they don't die from your 2 arrows.

...or so it should be, if the patch goes as it should. Gotta wait and see before i make any changes or otherwise to the above statement. I think it'll be fine for pure archers(str or agi) as long as they aren't super athletic stackings.(7 at most)

Admittedly, I'm not much of an archer. I just can't handle it. Probably cause I've been playing xbow so long that archery is to twitchy for me. But I've played enough to know mechanics of archery, so I don't think it'll be as bad as you fella's think.

(I stopped min maxing 1 class cause of changes. I have 3 playable classes I can choose from at anytime. 6 if I add the horse. How many of you can do that?!)

also nice fallen -1's on all archer nerf posts. Pretty coordinated to convince everyone they're wrong and you are right. Arguing over the changes(as they are) is incorrect, wait until the new system and lets see how it goes before people start bitching.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 02:59:34 am by Lt_Anders »
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #130 on: November 01, 2012, 03:06:01 am »
also nice fallen -1's on all archer nerf posts. Pretty coordinated to convince everyone they're wrong and you are right.
We have over one hundred members, stop bitching that a couple of them are -1ing you and blaming it on all of us. It's not coordination, it is an extremely small selection of random personal opinions.
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #131 on: November 01, 2012, 03:33:30 am »
It's death by a 1000 cuts for archery, every patch brings a new nerf.  If you don't want archery in the game, just take it out already.
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #132 on: November 01, 2012, 04:10:57 am »
i played with 10 pd build hornbow 0 ath, i must say this far its pretty unrewarding.. yes even i rufio the qqer majoris of archery says this might be a bad step in crpg. i pretty much think for game  ballance il go with our straw hatted hero, and say just make bows unrealisticly heavy. and keep the rest as it was...
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 04:27:22 am by rufio »
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #133 on: November 01, 2012, 04:55:48 am »
Wait, I'm getting a vision from the future!

...archery change nerfs athletics...encourages heavier str archers...
...players will forget archer accuracy & movement were nerfed...will only notice taking lots of damage...
...more crying will ensure... rage posts about getting 2 shot....calls to nerf archery damage...

You can take that to the fucking bank.
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #134 on: November 01, 2012, 05:33:48 am »
Archery OP, nerf archery!