Author Topic: Is archery bugged atm?  (Read 21257 times)

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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #210 on: November 02, 2012, 03:32:34 pm »
Maybe the athletics nerf to WPF of archers IS the right answer, but you should really let people respec if that's the course you want to take.  And if you have any other major gameplay changes to skills/attributes, make them at that time as well.

Moving riding of horses to higher requirements was the right answer, so was removing the lance angle...but to not let people get a free respec who were long time players, who never wanted to retire again (level 32 and above who were stuck with their riding requirement and a loomed horse), was a real dick in the mouth.

Also massively nerfing equipment should automatically allow anyone with looms in that equipment to get them back...I didn't have it, but black armor was one of the  heavier armors for the longest time and then in a ninja patch it's relegated to medium/heavy armor...

I'm not against making the game better and trying out what the dev's believe to be the right course to take c-rpg, but don't alienate your player base at the same time.  Most of the whine about the patch would have been avoided if you let high level players have a free respec (or all players).

Hell making massive changes and then resetting c-rpg would be fine with me, but probably not a lot of the loom/level grinders.
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Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« Reply #211 on: November 02, 2012, 04:10:11 pm »
Honestly, let archers get athletics.  Only problem earlier was there was no motivation to go higher than 6 PD, because the penalty was so high.  27/15 archer should be as viable as 18/24, trading damage for speed.  Kiting isn't that big a deal.  You guys really hate loki and aderyn that much?  Just lance or shoot them to death.
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