Thanks for the feedback so far guys! Yeah, the stabbing would be an terms of which stab to include.
As this video using an american cavalry sabre demonstrates, the sabres can easily stab with a down turned palm or in the upturned supine position as well., cold steel is an awesomo site that does lots of videos for different melee weapons. Theres also a video for a napoleonic sabre from 1830 and a 3 part series outlining basic defense with sabres and cutlass, for those interested.
Not the same, but very close. Furthermore the the glory days of Polish saber was a comparatively far from the Middle Ages.
It would be cool to add it, but meh I doubt.
Good point on the timing Kalp. I've been hangin onto this suggestion for a while, and decided to suggest it when I saw that ranseurs and other late (16th/17th century) polearms were getting put in.