Everyone used to take a shield into battle.
Archery doesn't need a nerf people need to wisen up.
We all know that archery has lower damage then ever at the moment and lower melle capability.
Yes, the solution is obvious. Treat the amount of ranged spam as something completely natural, and offer two choices: play an archer or play a shielder. Forcing people on equipment, reducing choices for builds, great for diversity. It's like the usual answer to complaints about cav, where you hear to bring a pike or a spear. Why don't we rename "infantry" in cRPG to "hoplite" anyway, because according to some people it's the only way to go.
When will people stop telling other people what classes to play or what equipment to bring?
It should still be possible to play WITHOUT shield. To make classes like 2hd/halberd infantry and pikemen viable, for instance. Yes, higher vulnerability against archers is something you need to take into account. But the shifted strengthes and weaknesses should be about equal. So the higher reach, damage, speed and the better animation should be of about the same extend as the higher chance of being shot. If the chance of being shot is unproportionally bigger, blance is broken. All we need to find out is, if the chance is bigger or not. My guess is, it is, that's why your point is not viable.
P.S.: I don't know if you refer to history or olver game versions. If history: no, not everyone used to carry a shield into battle. If to older versions: could be they used to, but shield weight, slot cost, upkeep and all the other factors were completely different at that time, that's why you can't compare.
Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to prevent a few obvious smartass answers before they even happen.