I have screens too my dear...
I fight like a man and die bravely in battlefield... then I just press R to see how mates are brave and then... WHAT DO I SEE ???
Some players hidden, one near a wall wearing peasant clothes..I wait few seconds..and I press QML...I wait for reaction...no reaction...he is kicked (bad mate ! Deserve it !)
Then I follow my search... and I see a big armored cav on the top of the hill... all mates are dead and he just waits... I RAAAAAAAGE anb I press QML...
We are at the end of round...flags are coming...he doesn't move... just when he is the last survivor he press M (I loose my multi) and go to fight (too late we have lost our X...)
Next round he thanks me for Report and I answer I hate no fighters and hidders... I told him I press QML for bad leechers and it give me multi (and many times lost it because AFK was active and press M) Then he told me about this thread...
Ok, let's see my screens, admins and then CHOISE THE GOOD DECISION..
I will accept the BAN if you think QML is not allowed for long afk no fight leechers who let mates diing like braves men while he is masturbating on the top of the hill.... let's go for screens now :
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