Looking at the newgen calc with max PS/ATH/WM characters in mid-light gear weight:
35 Cut:
Against 70Hp, 60 Body armor
18/21: 3-11 on head, 4-13/14 elsewhere
24/15: 3-8 on head, 3-9/10 elsewhere
75 Hp, 65 Body armor
18/21: 4-17 head, 4-20 body, 5-22 elsewhere
65 Hp, 50 Body armor
18/21: 3-6 head, 3-7 body, 3-8 elsewhere
24/15: 2-5 head, 3-6 elsewhere
Max WM saves a ton of hits on armor at higher values. The high values simply comes from the amount of glances/low damage hits. STR builds don't really make much use of WM too much, but ironing out the glances is always a plus.
Pierce weapon difference is only by ~2 max hits and 1 min hit difference.
With holds and speed bonus, I believe it's possible to have comparable damage to strength builds against medium armor and below. However, I do not like hitting people when fighting against groups and having them still alive. I prefer the power to take them down quickly, since I will be getting outranged by 2h stabs and spears, so speed might not help too much sometimes. I like the slightly extra tankiness, although 21 STR 7 IF is more than enough.