Depends on your citizen number. If you are bellow 115000 I think, you get to enter public test universe (2.0). If not, you can play live version (1.3) which includes Arena Commander and Social module (isn't really a game mode).
After two weeks of bugfixing, PTU is currently at version 2.0g. Previous patch was decently stable for those who were able to enter the server without getting kicked out immediately, which unfortunately was huge portion of testing base. Also current and previous build suffer from GPU related bug which greatly affects performance (core clock locked at idle value). People with Titan X can't get more than 30 fps atm, even on lowest settings. Performance was fine two builds ago but stability was not. Every build so far is full of various bugs, physics and collision issues, graphical bugs of all sorts, silly animation bugs and of course bugs that will prevent you to finish certain missions. Ship systems voice is the most annoying thing imho, alongside those helmet lines and shaky camera.
But in general, game is playable, just in broken alpha stage. Missions aren't anything special but aren't bad. FPS is decent. EVA is also cool. Ship flying model still isn't where it needs to be, multicrew is very raw (and prone to bugs), damage model is great. AI exist only as NPC pilots, no professions, you can't land on planets. Other than you there are other players and you'll meat them more often than you do in elite, especially if you go to FPS station which is griefers playgrounds. Best part of the game is atmosphere, it really does feel like you are in space, especially on stations which have Alien: Isolation atmosphere. Too bad there aren't any critters on stations. This could be better Alien vs Predator game than few previous iterations.
Alternatively, you can ask for refund but that will take some time, them asking you in couple emails are you sure and what are your reasons. Or maybe not, depending on your package worth. Those with more expensive packages are refunded in stages, takes few months for it to be finished. But they aren't saying no, just being annoying when it comes to refund process. Still its better than nothing.