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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #855 on: October 05, 2015, 10:33:58 am »
As someone with a fairly neutral stance (with 0 invested in the game) on this whole Star Citizen vaporware thing it sure seems that the pro-game side has way more proof than the no-game side.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #856 on: October 05, 2015, 11:32:36 am »
The "lol vaporware" retards have never done any research and their ignorance shows in everything they say. So credible!
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #857 on: October 05, 2015, 11:35:49 am »
Actually, screw research, anyone who's seen and/or played these things would know the vaporware claims are nothing but pure idiocy.

It really isn't so difficult.
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #858 on: October 05, 2015, 01:58:54 pm »
are you even able to get your money back for these fake ships?

Dunno about most people but I'm pretty sure they will give you money back if you do your thing :wink:

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #859 on: October 05, 2015, 02:01:11 pm »
Maybe I'll eat my words eventually

You won't, ever. Complete absence of decency in your character will not allow you to admit you were wrong about something.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #860 on: October 05, 2015, 02:32:40 pm »
You won't, ever. Complete absence of decency in your character will not allow you to admit you were wrong about something.
He's already backpedalled. First it was "there is no game!!!" now it must be a "resounding popular and critical success" instead of being just a game.
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #861 on: October 06, 2015, 12:55:37 pm »
You won't, ever. Complete absence of decency in your character will not allow you to admit you were wrong about something.

More projection than an IMAX theater.

He's already backpedalled. First it was "there is no game!!!" now it must be a "resounding popular and critical success" instead of being just a game.

Am I wrong? Where is this Star Citizen game, are you playing it now, after years and millions of dollars of development? Never said it's vaporware, just that it doesn't currently exist in any way shape or form except in the imaginations of the fans and the press releases of the company. And yeah, if the result isn't commensurate with the ridiculous hype from both the developpers and their fans, it still makes the idiots who spent 15k dollars on a game, well idiots. Kickstarted video games have been almost uniformally massive failures when compared to the excitement and hype they initially generated. The more ambitious they were, the harder they fail. And if there's something Star Citizen doesn't lack it's ambition.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2015, 01:01:25 pm by Oberyn »
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #862 on: October 06, 2015, 02:35:35 pm »
More projection than an IMAX theater.

Am I wrong? Where is this Star Citizen game, are you playing it now, after years and millions of dollars of development?

Years of development is pretty common for big games. Or are you spoiled by the AC/COD/BF ect release every year model?

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #863 on: October 06, 2015, 02:56:58 pm »
Am I wrong? Where is this Star Citizen game, are you playing it now, after years and millions of dollars of development? Never said it's vaporware, just that it doesn't currently exist in any way shape or form except in the imaginations of the fans and the press releases of the company. And yeah, if the result isn't commensurate with the ridiculous hype from both the developpers and their fans, it still makes the idiots who spent 15k dollars on a game, well idiots. Kickstarted video games have been almost uniformally massive failures when compared to the excitement and hype they initially generated. The more ambitious they were, the harder they fail. And if there's something Star Citizen doesn't lack it's ambition.
Yes, in point of fact, I am playing it right now. It's called Arena Commander and Social Module. So yes, it does exist in "any shape or form." Again, your ass is showing -- you've clearly not done much research.

Does it come as a surprise to you that big games takes years to develop before they're complete?

Arena Commander, by itself, with multiple game modes, co-op, PvP, singleplayer, tons of ships etc is already as big a game as some other AAA games... and higher quality, too.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2015, 03:01:29 pm by Xant »
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #864 on: October 06, 2015, 05:27:53 pm »
Arena Commander in its current form it pretty much same shit as World of Tanks, its just that people isn't interested in it like they are in WoT. I'm fairly sure Roberts had this general idea to deliver battle arena kind of game which will help him fund the big project. So far it worked well, but atm funding is going downwards, which means they have to skip to big meal. Something they should announce in few days.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #865 on: October 06, 2015, 11:50:54 pm »
So, there seems to be a game coming even though it will be more than a year late, compromising for features I never cared about. The thing I'm guessing might very well be true is that Roberts is an insufferable person and a terrible boss. The way he reacted to the drama really points to that anyway.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #866 on: October 07, 2015, 02:24:07 am »
Been reading up a bit on the recent drama.. and imo.. Yes it is a bit of a dick move to start criticising such a project like this Smart guy, but at the same time, they totally deserve it. What they are doing with the "crowdfunding" is simply shameless, and the crowdfunding itself very much looks like it was/is the main thing they are doing.

And they do have a big problem showing what they have done for those 90 million..

I think Oberyn is right, this will be a serious stinker, there will be big big drama about this whole thing. Not that I completely blame them either though, I can see how it could have gone wrong, step by step. You can see it in the stretch goals gradually loosing touch with reality, as well as gradually becoming less and less inventive.

It would be easier if they had a strict set of limits from the start, 1 million, 10 million, 100 million. At least then the game could be forged inside those limits, and you would know what you can and can't do. Controlling this growing monster, for even the best dev in the world would be very difficult..

The most absurd being hiring top actors for voiceovers and inventing alien languages... As a filmmaker, I can tell you that there are great great actors out there, that are not famous or expensive! They will do just as good a job as an AAA actor when it comes to the craft. They only thing they won't do as good is selling the movie for you.

These are things that will do nearly nothing for the gameplay. Ah the gameplay..  Not exactly in focus is it? Just because you throw everything good and exiting and expensive into a salad doesn't mean it's going to be a good salad. What they have is a bunch of ingredients, and no recipe.

Back to the drama, one thing is this Smart guy bashing them (and if you read his blog, he comes across saner than Chris Roberts do), another is these 7 employees basically confirming his points. It's very funny, and tragic, to see the fanboys defending RSI like they do though.. They have managed to create such hopes, such big wet eyes, and cynically exploited it like the marketing geniuses that they are. There's zero reason to distrust the motivation of Escapist mag here. There's potentially a huge story out there, if all that money cynically drawn from "donators" have been wasted.

Now, as a final disclaimer: You never know, in movies, art and I can presume games, how good something is going to get. The shittiest set often creates the best movies, and the most controlled movie set creates the worst ones. A good example is how few good movies coming out of Germany! They have money, they have a super efficient and professional film set culture, but their movies, alas, are shit.

So I won't judge the final game. But I do believe, and can easily see how, they are having serious troubles making it. I won't be surprised if it bombs completely..
« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 02:28:56 am by Thomek »
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #867 on: October 07, 2015, 02:54:46 am »
So, again, why is what they're doing with crowdfunding "shameless"? No one has yet been able to explain that. Vexus' explanation of "omg they are making spaceships for a space game = not working on the game" doesn't count, unfortunately.

The gameplay that they have and the gameplay they've shown is great. Where are you getting "not exactly in the focus is it" from?

If you think Derek Smart comes across as saner than CR, you're really out of touch with reality.

Yet another jealous person throwing around wild accusations without even a single shred of evidence.

There's zero reason to distrust the motivation of Escapist mag here.

And as if any proof was needed, this proves you've not done your research.  But I guess it's easier to pull speculation out of your ass than actually read up on things.
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #868 on: October 07, 2015, 08:31:50 am »
Now, as a final disclaimer: You never know, in movies, art and I can presume games, how good something is going to get. The shittiest set often creates the best movies, and the most controlled movie set creates the worst ones. A good example is how few good movies coming out of Germany! They have money, they have a super efficient and professional film set culture, but their movies, alas, are shit.

So true with the unpredictability if it will get great. As for Germany I blame Beitragsservice, TV viewing figures/money for commercials and federalism. And the interdependence of them all.

So, again, why is what they're doing with crowdfunding "shameless"? No one has yet been able to explain that.

Maybe it can't be explained to you because you see no shame in being a dick yourself. Not meant as an Insult, wouldn't you agree yourself?

As for the drama itself, from what I've seen I am fairly confident they will put something bad-ass together. Still I can perfectly see too how they went out of control when they saw the opportunity to 'raise' more and more money. Maybe this whole drama has it's own good and they will get their shit together now.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 08:38:05 am by The_Bloody_Nine »

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #869 on: October 07, 2015, 10:40:51 am »
I wanted to wait until saturday and see what they are going to show in citizen con actually.

Selling ships is just simply a way to show they NEED MORE MONEY. Now, does that mean they don't have enough left from their 90 million crowdfunding? Or 90 million is not enough to make the game?

And yes, selling all these ships in alpha is shameful. They should be part of the game not extra "mounts" in a cash shop. (Regardless if you can get them with ingame means or not)
« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 12:08:45 pm by Vexus »