Author Topic: Trade agreement between DRZ and Coalition, CA, Caravan Guild, Stromgarde etc.  (Read 10524 times)

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Offline KingBread

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We thought castle is easy to take cos of that hill.

Simple ?

How is that funny ?
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Offline Blueberry Muffin

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Bah the Mercs sing all the time, or maybe its just me singing... and them muting me.... Either way its awesome.
Lizard_Man: Fuck all that! Rather buy me 4 cans of Stella..
Cymro: Wife beater stella
Lizard_Man: It'll get ya drunk! You'll be fucking fat girls in no time! You might even fight a nigga or two! Mmmm-mmm, bitch!

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who are you to underestimate us i laughed so much on that ahahaha

Us? you mean that you've been fighting in someone else's battles for 2 strategus rounds yet claiming the victory more than any other. If I'm wrong what's that?!?page=battleroster&id=383
and there were no unbreakable walls or robocop gear there, defenders were almost naked. I won't even mention the total smack by naked men on horses. I also sincerely congratulate Nords for finally figuring out the power of the magic "c"word, had a good laugh about it.

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Robocop tabiii =)

Its not our problem if u suck at micro management and economy =)

I have no business with Nords battles and i dont really care but when i ll come to nords lands with my heavy yawshans that castle will be  just a time waste =)

We are UIF fuckin deal with it =)

Offline Gurnisson

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Did you have lordly armor in your attack yesterday? The rus scale most of us used was +0, so I was just wondering.
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

Offline Segd

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We have only few items masterworked right now. DRZ is not as rich as her enemies  :oops:

Offline Haboe

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And haboe was a member of bashibazouks for at least 3 months =) Why didnt you tell me those when u were in our teamspeak haboe and fought for our strategus battles with our holy words on teamspeak =)

When in Inglorious, i hang around dezilagel a lot. He is a cool player. There it was discussed that Dezilagel went to bashi to steal your strat army and gold, and then come back. It was a retarded idea, and ofc dezil wasn't so stupid to follow that plan, he became a real bashi. When ING got disbanded i follow dezil to bashi, since i liked dezil.

There have been active as a bashibazouk 1 week. 2 months inactive because crpg wasnt really fun for me at the time.
In that week i learned you are a Jihad themed clan. I did in fact ask what was up with the Jihad shit in your teamspeak, Dezil told me its just your roleplaying thingy.

As soon as i started playing crpg again i left bashi due to the fact that they fit the name bashibazouks. Which at the time you explained to me as headless warriors or something, don't remember it completely, but you do seem to fit the description of dude with no brains.

So yes i asked about it, and yes thats the reason i left. Apart from the fact that you yell in turkish 24/7 at anything you can possibly yell at.

EDIT: this is all i have to say on that subject, don't know if i even told you i left bashi at the time, i just removed my tag and the strat faction i think. Either way now you know.
So back to topic from me.
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Offline Andswaru

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« Reply #97 on: October 08, 2012, 05:51:05 pm »
Us? you mean that you've been fighting in someone else's battles for 2 strategus rounds yet claiming the victory more than any other. If I'm wrong what's that?!?page=battleroster&id=383
and there were no unbreakable walls or robocop gear there, defenders were almost naked. I won't even mention the total smack by naked men on horses. I also sincerely congratulate Nords for finally figuring out the power of the magic "c"word, had a good laugh about it.

Much as it may hurt, Cicero is right, they are the UIF and we are learning on the job how to be a "big" strat faction, and as you've now seen Nocti attacking is 100x harder than defending add that too the fact that we couldnt use our "A" roster due to the battle hour siege from the Nords hopefully at an reasonable hour will see a different result.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 05:54:08 pm by Andswaru »
Smooth is the admin NA deserves. Not being that much better, EU deserves Thomek.
[18:25] <@chadz> soon(tm)

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Lol u can say whatever u want about islam i am not a religion fanatic

So why do you keep mentioning Jihad in every 2. of your posts? isnt a Jihad a religious war against nonbelievers?

We should get banned with templars and also HOLY roman empire =)
Just because its called 'HOLY' Roman empire doesnt mean it has anything to do with religion. Its only a name for a empire that consisted out of several different states/kingdoms/princedoms/dutchys located in what is now Germany, Austia,Swiss, Nord Italiy, Poland and more. There even was a long going fight between the popes and the emperors about who could name the bishops within the HRE and one emperor was even excommunicated by the Pope.

Dont throw any names around just because you THINK they might fit. You would be the first one to call me a liar if I talk about stuff you know better than me ;)

Anyways I am more confused about why Cicero is the one here screaming the loudest? I see Union,Greys, Nords and DRZ shifting troops around in large numbers and even Vendetta doing some stuff but I have yet to see any major moves of our grad overlord Cicero - who nonetheless screams out the loudest in this thread and in any other thread that is only remotely connected to this topic.
So far all you did is takeing your claims (which took you quite a while), fight in other peoples battles (GTXing against naked Merc horsemen ;) ) and claiming the victories of those others for yourself.
Even Last Strat - in which you were proven to be one of the most -if not THE most - cheating faction around you didnt do anything too grand in the end but were the one screaming the loudst.
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"I am sad for you" Cicero :)
In memory of Fallen_Mike_of_Kingswell, member of The Coalition of Fallen and HRE, ruler of Ismirala Castle
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Offline Harafat

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Let cicero be, he's a rabid dog. Nothing can be done with a rabid dog, putting him down is the only option.

If he thinks it "cool" to "roleplay" something that hurts thousands of innocent lives each day and is something misused by political leaders around the globe to get ignorant people motivated to give their own blood for their cause, then thats his business. DOnt belittle yourself by giving into it.
Also he's not the only one doing it, i found the "usa usa usa" thing last round as offensive as his shit, its not cuz most of us are in the west, thats not hurtfull for cicero's people as well. Roleplaying shit that's sensitive today is just a sign of bad taste, just like chocolate chip cookie-shit, russian-communist-shit or whatever.

On Topic: You guys are just lucky i wasnt in the batlle last night, an army without their moral leader is useless.

Offline Gnjus

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Anyways I am more confused about why Cicero is the one here screaming the loudest? I see Union,Greys, Nords and DRZ shifting troops around in large numbers and even Vendetta doing some stuff but I have yet to see any major moves of our grad overlord Cicero - who nonetheless screams out the loudest in this thread and in any other thread that is only remotely connected to this topic.
So far all you did is takeing your claims (which took you quite a while), fight in other peoples battles (GTXing against naked Merc horsemen ;) ) and claiming the victories of those others for yourself.
Even Last Strat - in which you were proven to be one of the most -if not THE most - cheating faction around you didnt do anything too grand in the end but were the one screaming the loudst.

Because he is:
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Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Offline Nebun

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Nords had by far more difficult castle to attack then you did. Jameyyed is our shitiest castle in the desert. And nords had to fight 4-5 am. And also they didn't have as good as ur armor + 3.
Don't compare this 2 battles.
If you by any chance in future will happen to get Jameyyed Castle, and defend it against us in similar gear then there will be something to compare.
when UIF looks at you
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Offline Haboe

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Nords had by far more difficult castle to attack then you did. Jameyyed is our shitiest castle in the desert. And nords had to fight 4-5 am. And also they didn't have as good as ur armor + 3.
Don't compare this 2 battles.
If you by any chance in future will happen to get Jameyyed Castle, and defend it against us in similar gear then there will be something to compare.

Its a castle:
you can only attack from the front.
has a mountain over it, so the biggest part of the wall can't be catapulted (it can, but you will have a wall behind it because of the hill)
with only few ladder you can walk from all the wall parts to each other rather fast ( most castles you have to go over the wall, and walk a circle across the whole wall to go from 1 side of the keep to the other)
has higher buildings where your archers can shoot from relatively safe. (no risk of enemy melee there, and shooting up is hard as attacker, even on the height of a large siege tower).

I would indeed love to see the day coalition owns this castle, so we can compare results. Im very curious, you defended very well i must admit.
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