Author Topic: Hatin' UIF - Guaranteed daily drama inside!-  (Read 6087 times)

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Hatin' UIF - Guaranteed daily drama inside!-
« on: September 25, 2012, 04:43:54 pm »
Without UIF you wouldn't have a single fight in EU zone to gain experience.
Thinking of EU clans and their accomplishments on last strategus series.

HRE takes narra then goes afk
Fallen takes  lands in NA territory behind HRE , goes afk
Kapikulu takes lands in NA territory , goes afk
Mercs spoke much but done nothing
Guards ???
Ninjas ???
Byzantium & New Shogunate ??? (Not zeh old one)
Wolpers ???
SoA ???
Any other eu clan that i forgot ?

Only active factions that played and found whole BUGS in this game are factions in UIF.
I don't understand why do people create textwall of "features" and shit to scatter UIF.
I would understand if those guys have actually done something in strategus...

I only remember fights between UIF and Templar Alliance , i enjoyed exp and battles , i think everyone who was a part of those battles enjoyed the same way .

So basically people who actually plays the game are happy , people who don't give a fuck about it cries at forum ...

People cry as "members and low ranked players are not happy because only thing they do is clicking something and waiting for commander's order"
Thats a huge ass lie.
In my faction no one ever wants to do something in strategus.If someone wants to manage some shits , we give them high rank anyway...
Why are you trying to force every member in a faction to be a nolife nerd ? They just want battles to fight to get experience and have fun. They are all happy because they contribute to faction by following orders and reward for it is good experience by battles.
It's not like , leaders of factions gain 5 euros per goods traded .The reward is same for the most important person and the least important person in a faction.Good experience and fun to play strategus battles.
Adding more micromanagement will just push "nolife nerds" more away from real life , members will continue following orders and hoping for big , fun battles anwyay...

I'll ask rightaway for UIF haters.
What will you do if UIF quits the game ?
What does UIF prevent you to do ?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2012, 11:36:25 am by koyama »

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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2012, 04:47:34 pm »
ignore crusader alliance, their main opponent, we liek all the fights and xps to ourselves!

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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2012, 04:51:08 pm »
Without UIF you wouldn't have a single fight in EU zone to gain experience.
Thinking of EU clans and their accomplishments on last strategus series.

HRE takes narra then goes afk
Fallen takes  lands in NA territory behind HRE , goes afk

Kapikulu takes lands in NA territory , goes afk
Mercs spoke much but done nothing
Guards ???
Ninjas ???
Byzantium & New Shogunate ??? (Not zeh old one)
Wolpers ???
SoA ???
Any other eu clan that i forgot ?

Only active factions that played and found whole BUGS in this game are factions in UIF.
I don't understand why do people create textwall of "features" and shit to scatter UIF.
I would understand if those guys have actually done something in strategus...

Were you asleep at the beginning of Strat 3.0??  HRE and Fallen were in massive war with ATS, Occitan, Hospitallers and were winning then the desert alliance fought a bunch of battles in the desert and came up and saved Hospitallers with overwhelming numbers and fireballs from the sky, meanwhile UIF sat around doing nothing but stroking each other's carebear fur.  Eventually these battles ended and UIF still had no wars other than a 50:1 war against mercs with overwhelming numbers that didn't risk anything.  Then EU became completely dead because UIF was just 1 big circle jerk, with NA having all the fights. 

So yes, a lot more fights and fiefs to fight over if 70% of EU didn't ally together and sit around and do nothing but trading and taking neutral fiefs (now in strat 4 - randomly assigned fiefs that are not defended).  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

Offline HarunYahya

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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2012, 04:55:26 pm »
Were you asleep at the beginning of Strat 3.0??  HRE and Fallen were in massive war with ATS, Occitan, Hospitallers and were winning then the desert alliance fought a bunch of battles in the desert and came up and saved Hospitallers with overwhelming numbers and fireballs from the sky, meanwhile UIF sat around doing nothing but stroking each other's carebear fur.  Eventually these battles ended and UIF still had no wars other than a 50:1 war against mercs with overwhelming numbers that didn't risk anything.  Then EU became completely dead because UIF was just 1 big circle jerk, with NA having all the fights. 

So yes, a lot more fights and fiefs to fight over if 70% of EU didn't ally together and sit around and do nothing but trading and taking neutral fiefs (now in strat 4 - randomly assigned fiefs that are not defended).
I don't give a single fuck about what happens in NA territory.
I wish you do the same for EU.
O wait your lands were invaded by Europeans ....
ignore crusader alliance, their main opponent, we liek all the fights and xps to ourselves!
Templar Alliance sounds better that Crusader Alliance and you know it !!!

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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2012, 04:56:27 pm »
  Eventually these battles ended and UIF still had no wars other than a 50:1 war against mercs with overwhelming numbers that didn't risk anything.

This is the time for leave this world i cant stop myself crying
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kesh defending merc's honour
kesh defending merc's honour
kesh defending merc's honour
kesh defending merc's honour
kesh defending merc's honour

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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2012, 05:02:23 pm »
Ninjas ???
We're rocking NA. That's where the party is.

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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2012, 05:42:10 pm »
This guy's a fucking idiot.  And I came to say what Kesh already said.

HRE and Fallen didn't take lands and go AFK...they might have wiped Hospitallers if it wasn't for Templars coming in to support.

Hospitallers and allies pushed Fallen out of the desert (at which point they went AFK after losing territory).  And HRE's lands were taken over and then given (or taken) by the Caravan guild. 

UIF did push out the Templars, and Mercs, and Kapikulas from their territory, but that was before the half-way point in strat.  After that it was 95% sitting around trading/turtling, and 5% defending border skirmishes from those EU factions that left. 

With all that peaceful and secure borders, they still didn't even manage to take every AI castle or city, not until Strat 4 was announced, and I still don't even know if Ahmerrad was ever taken over.

I'm pretty sure last strat that most NA cities were taken over before the announcement of Strat 4, and some of the northern factions weren't able to, because of the lingering threat from Hospitallers. 
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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2012, 06:04:39 pm »
We're rocking NA. That's where the party is.

YOU WILL PAY! You will pay for disgracing the deserts!
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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2012, 07:06:22 pm »
I'll take those questions.

What will you do if UIF quits the game ?
Ehm, I don't know. Maybe have a very interesting game of Strategus without mega alliances and interesting diplomacy. UIF killed Strategus, don't you ever think that UIF did the game mode any good.

What does UIF prevent you to do ?
Me? Nothing. I am having an awesome, albeit short, round in Strategus. Sadly, it prevents most of the other clans from fighting on their own in Strategus, thus they have formed the counter UIF alliance, which created the worst round of Strat yet, the current one. While the mechanics in Strat got so much better, the community ruined it, a trend started by the forming of the UIF and especially it's continuation in the next three Strat rounds.

Correction: thanks to the audio track that LLJK is always so proud of, I now know UIF exists since Strat 1. Oh my god.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 08:53:54 pm by SgtTeeh »

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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2012, 09:21:20 pm »
This guy's a fucking idiot.  And I came to say what Kesh already said.

HRE and Fallen didn't take lands and go AFK...they might have wiped Hospitallers if it wasn't for Templars coming in to support.

Hospitallers and allies pushed Fallen out of the desert (at which point they went AFK after losing territory).  And HRE's lands were taken over and then given (or taken) by the Caravan guild. 

UIF did push out the Templars, and Mercs, and Kapikulas from their territory, but that was before the half-way point in strat.  After that it was 95% sitting around trading/turtling, and 5% defending border skirmishes from those EU factions that left. 

With all that peaceful and secure borders, they still didn't even manage to take every AI castle or city, not until Strat 4 was announced, and I still don't even know if Ahmerrad was ever taken over.

I'm pretty sure last strat that most NA cities were taken over before the announcement of Strat 4, and some of the northern factions weren't able to, because of the lingering threat from Hospitallers.
So you just gonna ignore the part where UIF invaded and took over 50% of NA?
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2012, 10:22:17 pm »
I can add to that list :D (troll post alert - I'm not sure I have a point but still felt like posting anyway)

Risen - went afk
Merciless - rose from the ashes of Risen ;) took their fiefs........and then went afk
Raven - rampaged through a load of AI and undefended fiefs, joined the Empire.............................and then went afk
22nd - lost their claims to the powerhouse factions of DenBitre and the ANTs, got bailed out by the Greys and the Union...............and then went afk
BashiBazouk - took their claims, went to kill Kapikulu but Wolves/Templars did it for them in the end, formed the Empire and then did ?

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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2012, 10:29:54 pm »

BashiBazouk - took their claims, went to kill Kapikulu but Wolves/Templars did it for them in the end, formed the Empire and then did ?
We took our claims , went to kill kapikulu and killed kapikulu
formed the empire with ravens and stayed in our fiefs nobody wanted to participate NA battles ; when templars wanted to attack EU we came back and stopped

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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2012, 10:56:31 pm »
So you just gonna ignore the part where UIF invaded and took over 50% of NA?

Druzhina you mean?  Because they would rather fight on NA ping than risk upsetting their neighbors in a video game?  There was no incentive to expand, and no punishment for not, so I don't blame large alliances, but the UIF was mainly playing the trading simulator game last strat.
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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2012, 11:39:34 pm »
Druzhina you mean?  Because they would rather fight on NA ping than risk upsetting their neighbors in a video game?  There was no incentive to expand, and no punishment for not, so I don't blame large alliances, but the UIF was mainly playing the trading simulator game last strat.
Except all their enemies fled to NA, got welcomed by NA as their overlords, given fiefs, troops, gold and equipment and settled down nicely; then yes, they really did not have a reason to invade NA.

Also, last I checked, it was both Union and DRZ who invaded, with some Legio armies following after, reinforcing where needed.
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
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Re: Hatin' UIF
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2012, 11:48:43 pm »
Don't you UIF boys see anything retardedly boring in having the same fucking alliance for 4 Strategus rounds? Mostly the same claims aswell.