Yes, current situation is, once again, shitty as hell. I'm trying very hard to find something to not only crush those big alliances, but nerf big clans into oblivion as hell. Once a 30 guy clan/group/whatever is no longer more dangerous than a 10 guy clan, and clans start splitting up and fight each other, then I'm happy. Before that, I'll swing that feature&nerf hammer so long and hard until I succeed. Strat will have no future until I succeed in that.
I'm not blaming anyone in those factions, although I really don't get why you're playing the way you're playing. My limited experience in previous strat rounds in a carebear faction was like this:
Let's attack!
We can't, they'd crush us!
Then let's attack them!
We can't, they'd have allies that crush us.
So what now?
We find allies ourselves!
Needless to say, the fun was somewhat limited. I can say I never had so much fun as I have in current strat, of course with an expiry date, it's just a matter of time until we get crushed, but, even if it's only for a few days, I prefer having fun in those, than being in a soviet union simulator for half a year.