Slow down there; I'm out of town and have limited Internet access. Please allow me to shed some light on the situation.
TL;DR: KUTT is trying to bully a bunch of new players out of territory that was arbitrarily claimed, and we're not about to hand it over to a bunch of pussies who aren't willing to fight. We challenge KUTT to claim it with their swords, if they can. This isn't kindergarten, where you yell, "I call this seat," and it's yours.
So, this all started when I joined KUTT TS with TugBOAT, who promised me "a fief, or help taking one, or something," and I said, "Sure, that sounds great!" Then, the next day, after Hospitaller was done attacking us, I get a message from TugBOAT on Steam saying, "Hey, hand over the fief! Just send one guy to defend." That's when the attack was launched. Not wanting to let my clan down by getting crushed only days into the round, I had accepted the tentative offer (in voice chat), expecting the deal to be finalized formally (in writing, via forum PMs or cRPG messages) at a later date.
Now, in the meantime, SWF is begging everyone it can find to help defend against Redania and Hospitaller, who attacked in quick succession. Fortunately, Redania left us enough weapons to defend against the Hospitaller horde--see the first video for the first of those two battles (in the original post, which has been updated with the two videos Deathawk1 posted). And, more fortunately, we were blessed with more valiant volunteers who were willing to sacrifice everything--even their own lives--defending the principles of liberty and self-governance.
Almost immediately after we are relieved by the victory over the Hospitaller invasion, we are attacked by KUTT--complemented with a friendly message from TugBOAT saying that it was time for us to hand over our fief. Hand it over, without anything in return? Of course not!
Now, as I understand diplomacy in general--in literally every other game I've played, including Civilization, every board game with more than two players, and EVE Online--if you're offering a trade, the one without the power to enforce the exchange receives before giving; i.e., since you are clearly several times larger and thousands of times more experienced, the expectation is that the offer is made, a formal agreement is then made, the new fief is first transferred to us, and then we transfer our fief to you, in that order.
So, we're not accepting the new deal, because KUTT is obviously untrustworthy. If we're going to lose our fief, it's because we fought to the fucking death, not because we were cheated out of it.