Author Topic: Strategus 4 FAQ  (Read 64763 times)

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Re: Strategus 4 FAQ
« Reply #210 on: April 21, 2014, 01:50:11 pm »
Battletimes always follow the defenders nighttime.

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Re: Strategus 4 FAQ
« Reply #211 on: January 26, 2015, 01:32:29 am »
Some question from a wannabe trader.

-How do you craft goods
-How do you buy/own fiefs
-Do goods produced depend on your localization?
-Can bandits raid fiefs?

Viva El'Rei

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Re: Strategus 4 FAQ
« Reply #212 on: January 26, 2015, 06:01:33 pm »
Heyo, lots of the information you will have read will be out of date from old iterations of strat. I had the same confusion when i started a couple of years back.

Rather than a wall of text here is the most up-to-date comprehensive rule guide you can find.

It says 'as a lone wolf' but it explains the mechanics well enough to inform you whoever you want to play. Also cos you asked i listed some answers below but the rest should be clear in the thread i linked.

1- You dont craft anymore, all items are purchased on the map from fiefs such as towns, castles and villages.
2- You gain a fief by attacking it on the map, after your attack is initiated your 'Battles' tab on will schedule the battle 24 hours later so that everyone has time to prepare. The battle will then be fought in real-time using players on the attacking and defending roster.
3- Each fief sells a different 'good', and if you click the fief on the map you can see how much they sell and buy for. Rule of thumb is buy items from fiefs with a price of 5-10, and sell in fiefs where goods cost 20-25. You'll make good profit, it's simplistic but a fief with a 'goods price' of 10 considers *all* goods to be worth that much, so buy from that fief and sell where it's worth more. Distance between buy and sell location also multiplies how much profit you make.
4- When you attack a fief you can either 'Siege' it or 'raid' it, a siege is for control of the fief and is the default. If you select 'raid' after your attack then you can gain any items held in that fief but do not gain control of the fief itself, hence 'raiding'. This is mostly used as a 1st step before a siege though in practice, i havent seen many full bandit factions. The advantage to raid is that you dont have to fight the fief's population, only any garrison, and many people leave the garrison at 0.

The only additional thing added to strategus since Uther's guide is the 'Crime' mechanic which wont be explained there. Basically every fief on the map has a 'Crime' %, stay away from ones with high %, and only enter fiefs with any % above 0 for a short amount of time, if you stay in them you stand to lose a troop every minute based on that % of crime. It's a new feature, explained more fully elsewhere.

Thank you for the help,really apreciatted.

But is there any other way to gain a fief without attacking it?
Viva El'Rei

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Re: Strategus 4 FAQ
« Reply #213 on: January 26, 2015, 06:12:51 pm »
But is there any other way to gain a fief without attacking it?

Ask the owner to give it to you.

However Strategus is dead so there's really no point in learning it atm, unfortunately.

Offline Mancom37

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Re: Strategus 4 FAQ
« Reply #214 on: January 26, 2015, 10:11:18 pm »
Fiefs can be transferred with the owner's consent, though you need to be in the same faction for them to have that option i believe (you can leave the faction straight after).

Usually transfers are done by agreeing a price via PM, then you attack the fief and the defender doesnt show up for the battle so you win by default and gain the fief. Strategus isnt particularly active at the moment but i'm sure you could find someone willing to sell a fief or help you capture one. On the NA side of the map there are still some active factions who would likely be happy to recruit you or have you as an independent 'vassal'. Or a good samaritan wandering the map with 500 men in shiny equipment might be willing to take a fief and give it to you, but ofc without troops of your own there's nothing to stop someone else coming along and trying to take it off you. Not sure about EU side at the moment.

Very well I shall try my luck,althought I am looking to a job has a merchant and get ze shiny silver.
Viva El'Rei

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Re: Strategus 4 FAQ
« Reply #215 on: February 14, 2015, 04:31:36 am »
I lost a battle and my guy is gone how do I get him Back