Author Topic: Cav is a Problem  (Read 9267 times)

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Re: Cav is a Problem
« Reply #150 on: September 13, 2012, 06:51:05 pm »
When playing the actual RPS-game, you have the choice of what you take. In cRPG you choose one of those and then you are stuck with it.

cRPG allows for customization of equipment loads and alternate characters. People are not stuck, at best they just want to grind that same 2h character and can't even be bothered to take a bamboo spear with them.

I hope you understand that it sucks if you choose rock and then notice that the majority of all players on the server are paper.

Of course it's much harder, but let's not kid ourselves about someone forcing you to play rock only.

One is their missing will to adapt

Duh. Plenty of that around.

or the missing thinking of "countering" something, rather than wanting to make kills themselves. (For example if on one round they get steamrolled by a cav heavy team, then next round they wouldn't go spearman, pikeman, thrower or archer to counter the horses, they would go cavalry themselves, because they saw cavalry made a lot of kills last round. That's the cRPG way of thinking.).

That's a way to adapt, except with the slight error that nobody wants to be the 2 or 4 cavs against the cav heavy team. I find it easier and more productive to grab a pike and protect the main infantry mass in that situation, rather than diving into a horde of enemy HA, lancers and 1h cav.

Another reason is that many people, me included, don't have many alts and play them even more seldom. I am happy whenever I can retire with my main, I don't have the time and patience to also equip alts with heirlooms. (Yes, part of my motivation is grind for better equipment. I guess that's nothing special...)

You don't need a heirloomed pike to bring down a horse, though.
But alts are free, you could create some the next time your team needs you.

And finally not everybody likes to play all classes and has corresponding alts.

Like I said, alts are free and the rest, when put into argument form, looks something like this:

Because people don't want to play scissors, paper should be nerfed. Am I wrong?
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 06:58:34 pm by Contra »

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Re: Cav is a Problem
« Reply #151 on: September 13, 2012, 06:52:24 pm »

Yeah and tbh I'm also tired of the whole debate, like I wrote in the first line of my rage post.

Thing is.. the whole "Making cav more skill-based" is something cav players came up with, actually admitting their class grants them easy kills. (but only because inf has no awareness! etc..)
Inb4 you claim infs don't get tons of easy kills.
Thing is, it WILL be more skill based when you have to use your brain on the horse. When you can't safely backstab as easily anymore. In any case you will ALWAYS be able to backstab, and that will ALWAYS be very powerful. To give the class additional abilities so you can go "Frontal 1vs1 too" is just insane on top of the backstab ability..  If you like dueling, just become a 2h inf.
Pro tip: 2h can backstab just as easily as cavalry, it just takes longer for them to get to new enemies...
What everything boils down to however is that the current situation on EU1 is unbearable for infantry players. And if you don't see that you are extremely blind and fanatical about cav...
No it isn't.
Well.. seems to me cRPG is loosing players fast, and to counter that we need some fast solutions. Nerf cav, give 33+ cav players free respecs in return.
No, not really, cRPG does not seem to be losing players.
In stead we are derailing solutions into "conquest", fall damage and other exotic things that has been suggested years ago but will never happen.
Hopefully your stupid bullshit will never happen either, cav isn't OP, these "exotic" things like fall damage and collision damage and horses being loud along with the old lance angle and higher agility than before will unlike your stupid BS nerf for the sake of nerfing make cav more skillbased, and while it may take more time to make cav like this than just nerfing it to the ground or outright removing it like you'd want then this way will actually fix the issues...
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 06:57:40 pm by Zlisch_The_Butcher »
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Cav is a Problem
« Reply #152 on: September 13, 2012, 06:55:56 pm »
I'm lucky to have you here Zlisch. Your way of pointing things out is a bit more edgy than mine but I agree with you in this thread!
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Re: Cav is a Problem
« Reply #153 on: September 13, 2012, 06:58:18 pm »
New game mode is rather unlikely to introduce. So instead of that change battle a bit. Let flag spawns at the beggining of the round. But untill last 2 minutes flag can not be lowered. This way we'll achieve the same goals which Joker pointed out. And it shouldn't be hard to do.

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Re: Cav is a Problem
« Reply #154 on: September 13, 2012, 06:59:55 pm »
Like I said, alts are free and the rest, when put into argument form, looks something like this:

Because people don't want to play scissors, paper should be nerfed. Am I wrong?

Not really. You are close.


Because not enough people want to play scissors, the amount of paper should be reduced.

I do NOT support nerfs on cav, if anything, I think it could be buffed. But not under the circumstances we do have now.

And still I stick to my opinion that in a role play game you can't expect people to play ALL roles. And I personally want to advance my character, so even sticking to my main character on x1 is MORE valuable to me than playing my alt on x5, because my alts have no value for me if I plan to have a fully loomed character. The recent changes concerning mains and alts did shift things a bit, but still I am sooooo close to my next generation, I won't do shit about playing anything else than that one character.

And you can't really blame people for not enjoying to play certain classes or for being focused on their favourite class.

And finally: all characters should always be viable, or the game is broken. If you need to change the character to adapt it means that something is broken with the class balance, as ALL characters should ALWAYS be able to contribute to the same extend.
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: Cav is a Problem
« Reply #155 on: September 13, 2012, 07:18:38 pm »
Because not enough people want to play scissors, the amount of paper should be reduced.

Wouldn't that result in an explosion of rock?

I do NOT support nerfs on cav, if anything, I think it could be buffed.


And still I stick to my opinion that in a role play game you can't expect people to play ALL roles.

If that role is the key to victory, and the step required to access that role is 5k spent on the shop to buy a bamboo spear, and using it doesn't even limit their usual play style in any way, I think I can blame them a bit.

And you can't really blame people for not enjoying to play certain classes or for being focused on their favourite class.

And they can't play rock all the time and expect to win.

And I personally want to advance my character, so even sticking to my main character on x1 is MORE valuable to me than playing my alt on x5

That's understandable, but as I mentioned earlier, a shift from rock to scissors doesn't always even require a change of character.

And finally: all characters should always be viable, or the game is broken.

Well, even peasants are viable. As distractions, mostly. :)

as ALL characters should ALWAYS be able to contribute to the same extend.

This goes directly against the rock-paper-scissors way of thinking, doesn't it? As well as the roleplaying (leveling and customization) nature of cRPG.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 07:29:02 pm by Contra »

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Re: Cav is a Problem
« Reply #156 on: September 13, 2012, 07:54:12 pm »
closing this thread because it has got way out of proportion it was meant to be a balance thread not a nerf or buff thread
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