Everyone is starting to speculate on the chances of whether or not Bjord would or would not have paid the gold if he lost.
The fact is, however, is that this is not the case. The fact is that the Grey fighter was the one who lost the bet, and is not paying his share of the bet.
I don't deal with The Grey myself, but from the number of incidents regarding their poor form and lack of honor, I wouldn't bother dealing with their clan. The only thing they have going for them is size. Every corrupt, low lifer needs a place to stay. Gotta go somewhere.
Bjord, unfortunately I doubt heavily that you're going to get your money, but what can you expect from a clan with a notoriously low standing of integrity. Best of luck getting your due money, regardless.
And for those of you trying to give the honorless the benefit of the doubt, don't bother. It doesn't take this long to gather 100k from several different alts. He is either being a little puutie about it, or doesn't have the money.
In the latter case, he should not have agreed to that duel in the first place, knowing there is a chance (however minute) that he could lose that money.
All in all, he makes himself look bad, and anyone else he affiliates with look bad. That is how it is, and how it has developed.