I got this idea as I was playing battle and started imagining myself as a dedicated archer or cavalry player, something I knew would probably never be true, other than as alts and whatnot. The loomed bows and arrows or crossbows and bolts, horses and lances, long spears and pikes. It was a nice daydream. Then I got this idea!
Wouldn't it be nice to try other people's looms and builds? Maybe at first, some people would be greedy about letting people play with their character, but think of the fun! Now you can be that annoying "friendly" archer kiting infantry, or Oberyn and Torben with their high level cavalry builds bundled with cozy looms.
The whole idea is to switch your own character with someone else's entirely, except for the name and exp/gold gain. Every round there would be a chance based roll for the highest levels and in descending order, the chances are increased for the average levels - the higher the level the lower the chances are for getting that character, same for levels below 21. Peasants are allowed to play, because this game mode is still supposed to be a viable source of xp and gold gain. Now, I know most of you are already coming up with ways how this almost complete exchange of characters(except for name and xp/gold gain) could be exploited, but don't worry, I've thought up some solutions.
Some first impression concerns about this idea with possible solutions:
1. Lots of low level alts storming the server for easy xp/gold: Main only server. This idea's point is to try out high level builds and other classes with dedicated builds so that you can get a better understanding of the class and maybe decrease the whining about differences between classes(or increase it
)somewhat. Alts are of course able to be high level(when I say high level I mean +31, so definitely no STF's)as well, that's not what I'm saying, but let's just face reality; the average amount of alts under level 20 belonging to
one player is at best not less than 2. Therefore, mains only. You only have one.
2. Players join the server naked and/or with bad gear:
Give players the ability to browse through their current character's items in-game just like if they'd be your own. Yes, it would be a hassle if someone removed their presets on the site just to be an asshole, but then you'd know who they were(thanks to some notice of whose character you're playing with) so that would be their loss. Sort of.
3. A possible counter to above solution, people transfer every last item to an alt: Minimum inventory count of 20-30(or simply count all the low end armours and add another 10 required items, AFAIK you cannot have two of the same item in your inventory) to be allowed to play.
4. People transfer their looms to an alt or into the clan armoury: Incentive to bring your looms to Shuffle-Battle(TM) in the form of an added chance of getting characters above lvl 30 for every loom(max 3 MW or 9 total loom point worth in inventory)
There is no doubt going to be trolls who respec and join the server with completely retarded builds, but then again, they ruin more for themselves than for others if they do this, since it's their main character. Hopefully enough of a countermeasure; common sense.
One more point: There will be people who do not want others to be able to see what their build is, and they should be allowed to check a box that disables the C menu or hides their skills and attributes, showing only your gold and exp.
Summary of idea:
-A battle type game mode that let's you play with random people's characters and vice versa, using a chance based roll that's different for every player and every round.(looms increase chances)
-Highest rolls yields highest level characters
-You gain xp/gold normally
-Characters above lvl 30+ have a lower base chance of getting traded, same for characters under lvl 21
-Gain access to the inventory of your random character
-Only for Mains
I am sure there are some flaws with the idea, but the general concept is in my humble opinion unique and interesting, not to mention(as much as I have mentioned), fun.
Tell me what you think.