Keep in mind wise players will learn to conserve stamina for the situations they need it, others will perish
suggestion for stamina usage:First include into the following mind game a difference between
Stamina Capacity and
Stamina Recharge Rateattacking/blocking stops the Stamina Recharge Rate
running around and riding decreases the Stamina Recharge Rate(there is still a recharge of Stamina, it is just slower)
standing around has no effect on Stamina Recharge Rate
- open attacks of any weapon would drain constantly stamina depending on
* how long you hold the attack open before you release it, every second drains your stamina
* the weight of the weapon, the heavier the more stamina you use
- Stamina Capacity would be influenced by
* your strength, the more the bigger your Stamina Pool
* the weight of your overall gear, would reduce that stamina pool again
- Stamina Recharge rate would be also influenced by
* your agility, the more agility the higher the Stamina Recharge Rate
* the weight of your overall gear, would reduce that stamina recharge rate
- effects of low stamina or empty stamina pool
if you run out of stamina your movement speed and/or attack speed is reduced
results i imagine:
those ranged my old friends aiming for hours not watching their surrounding, but kiting away after first strike will run a tic slower if they didn't keep a little stamina reserve.
Those dudes just standing/walking around with open strikes for hours may do so, but will have to consider they may become slower in movement and attacks, that shouldn't be a problem with one opponent but with more then one.
Faster paced gameplay overall as those who don't take stamina into account will loose sooner.
Why not have running around use up stamina or standing around replenish it fast?
simple reason, people would hide somewhere to replenish before they go for the next fight or till they get found which never happen if the two last dudes are both counting on the other one will loose stamina while searching for him who is replenishing while waiting, that would be boring to watch, it should be done in a way that doesn't hinder the gameplay but supports the pace and fun and rewarding those who reserved and/or spent their stamina wisely.