Anyone else remember in MW2 where hackers made it so there was 32-player matches on Rust and it'd literally just be who can get to high ground first, bring an LMG with extended clip and rack up the easiest XP,and sometimes there'd be a fully-automatic AC-130. God that was hilariously bad in the most pathetic of ways. That shit went on for like almost two weeks to. Fucking ridiculous. Oh not to mention, it was like a black hole, you could choose any gamemode and it would literally suck you into those matches regardless. Or the two-person nuke farming. God that game was a pathetic display of effort on IW's part.
Game could've been amazing, but it became so over the top with the killstreaks, and promoting camping-kill farming style of play too much.
I enjoyed playing around with the Riot shield/shotgun/machine pistols, think of RA3 Peacekeeper
, and I loved care packages too.
Oh, and about the rust thing; I played AlterRevolution back in summer, and tons of hackers do the same thing. Once I got invited to a server like that, I killed him at 24kills with a grenade thrown up there, guy did a GTX, and I was the server hero.
But yeah, it was so cheap, I was running around with an RPG just shooting into corners or in general directions because the fences kept the rocket inside the map, bam, 4 kills.