Author Topic: What has cRPG come to?  (Read 30585 times)

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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #360 on: August 28, 2012, 11:16:35 pm »
Most archers are OP only in big numbers and only against shieldless infantry.

Like cav is against everything?
This argument is funny because I've heard it several times from lots of different people and it doesnt make sense. You run into a group of anything and its going to kick your ass.

Sure archers can win a fight and for a team but its the most useless and gimped playstyle in crpg except peasant. If any of you havent played an archer for a full generation then you should shut up about this subject and try it. I did it and felt like the red baron being the main target of every single person in the opposing team. There is no fucking way to make any money and at the same time be able to kill other players(not that I found anyway).

This isnt really a balance issue anymore this is a result of a mod that has absolutely no tactical value in its gameplay and a complete lack of any objectives other then killing the other team. They say war of the roses is going to be the CoD of this niche but its not true. There is no version of the M&B franchise that isnt a massive team deathmatch killwhoring grindgame when it comes to multiplayer. Strategus does count somewhat but its not really 'gameplay' per say. There is a complete lack of depth in the gameplay and that is why people get pissed off at archers grouping up raping everything. If all characters had some kind of different objective on the battlefield rather then competing over who's the better slaughtermachine my prediction would be that this mod and community would gain a much needed boost in playerbase.

I've played this mod on and off for years now and I GTX the game every now and then simply because its stupid. Gamemodes that makes you wait for ages for no reason and pointless battles that is only fun because of the amazing combat system that M&B provides. Other then that I have to ask myself what Crpg really has to offer? A grind for no reason? Some strategus battles every now and then?

Why do we have to cry about archers instead of demanding more in terms of gameplay out of this amazing mod?

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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #361 on: August 29, 2012, 12:46:33 am »
^maybe because they shit on the gameplay experience for people who like to user their playerskill to shit on everyone (melee)

i thought i was playing mount and blade but in reality all this is is my old friend and arrows : horse simulation tbh

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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #362 on: August 29, 2012, 01:46:54 am »
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could not resist  :mrgreen:
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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #363 on: August 29, 2012, 08:06:54 am »
Conquest mode.  Like Joker said.  I have no idea what that actually is, but if there's one thing infantry can do that cav and range can't do, is holding territory.  If holding territory wins the game, there's no need to nerf cav/range nor buff infantry.  Let 'em be OP that don't bug me as long as infantry can guarantee the victory.

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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #364 on: August 29, 2012, 01:03:17 pm »
Conquest mode.  Like Joker said.  I have no idea what that actually is, but if there's one thing infantry can do that cav and range can't do, is holding territory.  If holding territory wins the game, there's no need to nerf cav/range nor buff infantry.  Let 'em be OP that don't bug me as long as infantry can guarantee the victory.

I totally agree

Conquest mode would also reduce the waiting time inbetween spawns if it had a ticket system a lá battlefield or something. Reward players for good teamwork and tactical play. And give them the satisfaction of making a difference on the battlefield even without an imba k/d

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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #365 on: August 29, 2012, 05:24:33 pm »
Conquest mode.  Like Joker said.  I have no idea what that actually is, but if there's one thing infantry can do that cav and range can't do, is holding territory.  If holding territory wins the game, there's no need to nerf cav/range nor buff infantry.  Let 'em be OP that don't bug me as long as infantry can guarantee the victory.

It is true, and that's one major difference between cavalry and infantry.   Infantry can take and hold areas of a map.  Cavalry can't do that against infantry (unless the infantry are not organized or have the correct weapons, and even then, Cavalry isn't holding the area, just killing people).  I wouldn't be against conquest game mode, however I think we already have it in the battle server, the flags come up on every map if people aren't dying before the end of the round.

I wouldn't like the Battle mode to move away from one spawn per round, it makes your life that much more important.  And also, everyone is on equal footing if you can't respawn until the next round.  I typically have another game running in the background, and play that if I die early in the round.  Or I go piss, or browse the internet, etc.  So I never have a problem waiting for the next round.

I still think that although cavalry and fast archers can pick and choose their engagements, they are at the whim of infantry.  If I'm attacking infantry, I can only attack people where they physically are.  If you're not on the open ground by yourself, I can't attack you on the open ground, by yourself.  I believe that in almost every round, infantry dictates which team wins.  The infantry that is more organized seems to be which team wins more often than not.
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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #366 on: August 29, 2012, 05:55:37 pm »
It is true, and that's one major difference between cavalry and infantry.   Infantry can take and hold areas of a map.  Cavalry can't do that against infantry (unless the infantry are not organized or have the correct weapons, and even then, Cavalry isn't holding the area, just killing people).  I wouldn't be against conquest game mode, however I think we already have it in the battle server, the flags come up on every map if people aren't dying before the end of the round.

I think you can't compare that. Currently we only have conquest mode, if players fail to achieve the main objective (killing the enemy). But if they follow the main objective, we have pure team deathmatch. And this has definitely influence on the behaviour of the players, and that's something I'd like to see changed.

I wouldn't like the Battle mode to move away from one spawn per round, it makes your life that much more important.  And also, everyone is on equal footing if you can't respawn until the next round.  I typically have another game running in the background, and play that if I die early in the round.  Or I go piss, or browse the internet, etc.  So I never have a problem waiting for the next round.

Agreed. I think having only one life per round also changes the behaviour of players, makes them fear for their life and thus lowers the motivation for Rambo actions. Having a constant respawn would kill every motivation to use tactics or to play in a team.

I still think that although cavalry and fast archers can pick and choose their engagements, they are at the whim of infantry.  If I'm attacking infantry, I can only attack people where they physically are.  If you're not on the open ground by yourself, I can't attack you on the open ground, by yourself.  I believe that in almost every round, infantry dictates which team wins.  The infantry that is more organized seems to be which team wins more often than not.

Usually, what I see is that both teams always spread evenly over the map after spawning. It's the team which - through sheer luck/coincidence - spreads less and/or has the more capable duel fighters, that wins the map. Or the team which has an overweight of a certain class which is not infantry. Which means that a team of archers will always win, a team of cavalry will win in most cases, and a mixed team has only equal chances against another mixed team.
Joker makes a very good point.
î saved for eternety (without context  :mrgreen:)

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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #367 on: September 01, 2012, 03:39:35 am »
Conquest mode wont work If there is one spawn per round.

Wait will be longer so one might aswell play battle instead. I'm all for tactical gaming and shit but waiting is never fun and it doesnt add anything to a game other then frustration and boredom. It would work out just as well if both teams had tickets. When I play battle I for the most part just attack without being carefull and when I die 40s - 1min in to the fight I continue watching whatever movie/clip I have running in the background.

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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #368 on: September 01, 2012, 03:43:56 am »
I think that actually it's totally possible to have a conquest mode with only one life per round.

Teams lose tickets whenever their players die and when they don't hold a majority of flags, first team with 0 tickets loses.

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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #369 on: September 01, 2012, 03:56:29 am »
A fully realized conquest/domination type game mode, that is fast, functional, rewards infantry play and encourages even pubbies to do teamwork, and has really good maps.. not 110 shit generic maps like battle, just 5-6 GOOD maps designed for the mode, even only 2-3 to start..

Would be the best thing 4 this game in the past year, would be tremendously more entertaining then any strat gimmicks, and could be a flagship gametype for a future MELEEGAMING.COM entry into the donkeyteam's game catalogue.

I wouldn't want to see a single respawn either.  Just ape Battlefield's conquest a lot.  Teams get tickets and losing ground or lives ticks them away.  What's so shitty about battle as an infantry player is you can man up and charge to take ground that is being contested then just die to pikes, a cav couch, headshot, or whatever.  If you want to get points stay alive and not die to ranged or cav instantly you need to honestly play like a pussy more often then not, even if being an over aggressive dude can have moments of hilarity/great success too.

The metagame I always honed in my mind when I was a strat commander, most of which never really work that well because even strat just is glorified team death match.. is the idea of map control.  Occuping territory with infantry.  Using ranged to facilitate movement of infantry players.  Cav threaten the routes infantry must take to get from points a-b-c or can be a mobile force like jeeps in battlefield to threaten rear spawns.  Strat NEVER plays like this though.  Its boring.  Its just TDM, regardless of map or setting.

Just making really interesting maps for this mode, with you know A B C points, and spawns turn to these points if you control them and maybe a few others around it that you set like Strat battles.  Maybe mini castles around the points and stuff like that.  It would be AWESOME!
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 04:02:44 am by Smoothrich »
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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #370 on: September 01, 2012, 04:10:38 am »
I actually have a half finished map I was making for conquest several months ago, I should really get around to finishing it along with the town maps I have. Regardless though, progress on the game mode is on hiatus still, I believe. Wouldn't really do any good finishing the map.
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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #371 on: September 02, 2012, 04:33:26 am »
A fully realized conquest/domination type game mode, that is fast, functional, rewards infantry play and encourages even pubbies to do teamwork, and has really good maps.. not 110 shit generic maps like battle, just 5-6 GOOD maps designed for the mode, even only 2-3 to start..

Would be the best thing 4 this game in the past year, would be tremendously more entertaining then any strat gimmicks, and could be a flagship gametype for a future MELEEGAMING.COM entry into the donkeyteam's game catalogue.

I wouldn't want to see a single respawn either.  Just ape Battlefield's conquest a lot.  Teams get tickets and losing ground or lives ticks them away.  What's so shitty about battle as an infantry player is you can man up and charge to take ground that is being contested then just die to pikes, a cav couch, headshot, or whatever.  If you want to get points stay alive and not die to ranged or cav instantly you need to honestly play like a pussy more often then not, even if being an over aggressive dude can have moments of hilarity/great success too.

The metagame I always honed in my mind when I was a strat commander, most of which never really work that well because even strat just is glorified team death match.. is the idea of map control.  Occuping territory with infantry.  Using ranged to facilitate movement of infantry players.  Cav threaten the routes infantry must take to get from points a-b-c or can be a mobile force like jeeps in battlefield to threaten rear spawns.  Strat NEVER plays like this though.  Its boring.  Its just TDM, regardless of map or setting.

Just making really interesting maps for this mode, with you know A B C points, and spawns turn to these points if you control them and maybe a few others around it that you set like Strat battles.  Maybe mini castles around the points and stuff like that.  It would be AWESOME!

All my goddamn pluses.

Edit: You could have flags like in strat that give you the option to spawn there. Unless we get a way to be able to pick spawns before spawning.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 04:41:23 am by Taser »
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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #372 on: September 02, 2012, 08:10:24 am »
All my goddamn pluses.

Edit: You could have flags like in strat that give you the option to spawn there. Unless we get a way to be able to pick spawns before spawning.

Yes, I imagine a few flags like in Siege across the map, on places like top of hills or in the middle of ruins or keeps.. just places that are fun to fight on.  Like the map Field by the River, probably the best native map.  People naturally gravitate towards the set of ruins on one side of the river.  Places of interest like this would have the Siege flags on them, and capping it will reduce a gradual drain of tickets on top of the drain you get from deaths.  So like a Strat battle, but with more fluidity and another layer of depth in a give and take of land, instead of solely being about grinding out a TDM count of lives.

And ya, Strat battles have the set spawn system built into them already, so you could just slap a couple of these around the siege flags, and if none selected just randomly select a siege flag that your team owns to be a spawn.

Basically I feel like this mode could be created by using assets that all already exist in cRPG.  You guys have created some awesome gameplay possiblities in Strategus, that the community often look forward to instead of mindless siege or battle server gameplay, and you know how often people bitch about maps and cav and it being unfair and everything for pick up and play sessions.

So I think it would be very forward minded for the dev team to consider porting some of the best features of Strat into a more accessible game mode, because Strat battles are rare, are full of bullshit drama and bugs, require effort and scheduling.. but have ultimately some of the most teamwork focused gameplay and inspired design compared to the port of native warband modes that just ape counter-strike and stuff.

You guys tried out that Stronghold or whatever mode a while ago that I think was basically too confusing and not focused enough on what I think all of us agree is the best part of Warband/cRPG:  Charging with a bunch of bros in a shield wall with pikes and whatnot, archers shooting away at each other, fighting over concise objectives.  Moments of gameplay where you feel like two armies fighting for something.  Not having to run and chase the last few alive archers across hilly generic map village map #3 for the last 2 minutes of a round, every other round.  Or being couched at spawn and sitting out for 6 minutes.

Siege gives you a basic objective and frees up the stress from a single life, kiting and cav, and keeps up a sustained level of intensity that is very fun to play for short gaming sessions.  This is why "bads" go on siege:  casual type players, who this mod honestly drive away in flocks, probably like this kind of gaming much better instead of the counter-strike ONE LIFE MAD CAV OPEN FIELDS GOOD LUCK BRO mode.  But Siege is full of shit maps, cav can't do anything, it just feels half assed.

Now if you can get that kind of objective based, fun, fast paced Siege gameplay on maps that represent the most balanced and fun experiences in Strat or Battle servers, you'd have something really great.  Some of those reworked town maps that we only got to see at the end of Strat 3.0 when UIF were taking them.. those were some amazing maps!  And would be perfect for a game type like this, instead of only getting to play them 3 times a year.

Think about it!
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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #373 on: September 02, 2012, 03:37:00 pm »

Who create the last updates? since 2 years the community want more meele fighting and less my old friendchery .

After 2 years ..
The EU servers are laggy and the packet loss is phenomenally high
After 11 years online gaming i can say the  collision detection is the worst thing ive ever seen
Weapon balance is a bad joke . example : 3 meter pike hit a target 30 cm away
Childish running/jumping/roflcopter/kiting sessions , target group are 12-16 old teens?
Endless grinnding
Mod is really unfriendly to beginners
Horrible gamebalance  policy  , there is no master plan,   yesterday they buff a class , today the nerf and tomorrow they buff it again
Lobbyist..she do anythings for 24/7 players loom/valour/highlvl  and nothings for casuals 



« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 03:45:44 pm by Bonze »
Got no Balls? Play archer. Got no sex? Play horse archer.

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Re: What has cRPG come to?
« Reply #374 on: September 02, 2012, 03:45:05 pm »
Got no Balls? Play archer. Got no sex? Play horse archer.