Author Topic: Maps of Kafeins Best Bitch  (Read 2185 times)

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Re: Maps of Kafeins Best Bitch
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2013, 11:51:12 am »
Ok, couple of suggenstions regarding this map.

I really have a problem with thick vegetation allong the banks of the river, while it does give some visual cover it doesn't give any real physical cover from the projectiles and gives more ambush positions for rangers to just sit and shoot the shit out of you. Main meeting point is the Bridge obv. which you said you'll fix so it wont be so used, but currently that is the main meeting point and is completely in the open against the heavy vegetation next to it, it's just horrible to even step on there without a shield.

The second suggestion is modifying the spwn point, I undestand you probably tried to avoid havin one team spawn at the bridge but current directly opposite spawns allow for an incredible off the spawn spam to the other side, couple of times I was a bit late and needles to sad I didn't get very far, spwans swould be atleast somewhat protected.

(click to show/hide)

Maybe try switching the spawns to this position, or other way around, sure one team will spwan higher one lower but still I think it's a much better solution.

The only problem i see here is master of the field being directly onone spawn, can you make it so it's randomly placed either closer to one or the other spawn?

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Re: Maps of Kafeins Best Bitch
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2013, 12:08:07 pm »
Thanks for the feedback, I'll try what I had originally planned, among some other changes I'll add some proper cover around what will be left of the bridge, and I'll increase cover on the spawns quite a bit. if this still doesn't quite work out I'll try to modify the spawnpoints as you suggested though.
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Re: Maps of Kafeins Best Bitch
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2013, 01:30:30 pm »
I want this castle back in siege rotation. Was always fun.