Author Topic: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd  (Read 2141 times)

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[BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« on: August 12, 2012, 12:04:03 am »
It had been too much to ask of you the last time, you know about 2 months back.
You got a 1 day ban, which i found too easy on you, as it was and is not only me you are harassing.
Today first time after these 2 months, we are again on the same server and same BS.

happened between around 14:00 and 22:00 gmt+1
the theme seems to be the same way as last time, to change my name into something different, kind of boring now as i think about it, lots of repetition.

how is it that you are such a long time in this community harassing people and aren't permanently banned? I really do wonder that, i know you have been banned several times, at least many more times i would care to count, but still you are like a recurring nightmare in this way always coming back, starting with the same shit all over again.
There are many good players out there which don't feel the need to behave in that way and only because we are here anonymous doesn't give you or anyone the right to behave like you do. You may see anonymity as a common thing, but it is a gift and people like you are doing their part to convince those who are upholding the law in whatever country to reduce these our rights. You may think this farfetched? Well think again with all the changes to internet regulations in the last years, perhaps it may dawn on you.
Behave like a child and not only you will be treated as such, but we all will pay for it. So give me and others please a little peace of mind and just let it go the next time you feel the compelling  urge to flame/troll/insult/harass/hustle/grieve.

you wont change him

please, with lots of sugar as topping PLEASE give us a way to permanently mute players without the need in every round or server reconnect to mute them again PLEEEEAAASE!!!!!!(this would also free up some time of admins in the ban request section  :rolleyes:)
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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2012, 12:37:12 am »
No offense, but, grow a pair.
Also the only one I can see that you can prove was meant to you is him saying you're a sad little man.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2012, 12:43:07 am »
No offense, but, grow a pair.
Also the only one I can see that you can prove was meant to you is him saying you're a sad little man.

Out of the thread please.

Bjord is currently muted, but contacted me so that he could send you a message Kinn. I'm going to go against the "You can't change him" by giving him an ultimatum... Stand by for his message.

Quote from: Bjord
Hello kinngrimm,

I am sorry if you feel upset about my parodies of your name, I will not repeat them. However, please don't say that I insult and harass everyone, because that is not true. Yes, I lash out at people, but I do not continuously harass them. This treatment I reserve for special players. :wink:  Consider yourself special. But since you obviously do not appreciate my nicknames, I will immediately stop. I am capable of listening, so next time if you have a problem, if it wouldn't be too much of a trouble for you, please talk to me directly. I would prefer not getting banned for something so trivial.

I don't have a lot to say in my defence except a plead of forgiveness, as I do not like to cause people genuine stress and grief. I am capable of empathy more than you'd think, so please find it in yourself to forgive me. I asked Tennenoth to relay this message to you since I am muted, and since he was the one who issued the ban last time. Once again, apologies for troubling you so much.

He's agreed to the ultimatum, if he harrasses you or someone in a similar fashion then I will ban him for two (2) or more weeks. I would like your opinion on this Kinn, I understand that you come on to play a game to have fun, not to have someone abuse you. (An auto-mute feature would be pretty good though, I have to agree.)
I believe that if he is banned, he will blame you and will be unlikely to learn, and a short ban that I could give him now for a couple of days peace doesn't seem that good. Giving him this option will mean that either way, he is out of your hair for a longer period of time. That's my thinking anyway.

As I say, I want to hear your opinion on this and hopefully we can come to a reasonable agreement that'll benefit you the most Kinn. Oh, and if you want to talk to me, I'm on IRC and will be for another hour or so, I won't be back until late tomorrow however.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 12:56:36 am by Tennenoth »
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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2012, 01:23:56 am »
I m sorry for wrote "QUEENGRIMM" once in chat... please accept my apologise too  :wink:

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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2012, 01:24:01 am »
give him the ban for two weeks and then if he does it again perm ban him, ive seen bjord do this to him before,

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Those are the rules no?

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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2012, 12:13:53 pm »
How can someone disrespect Kingrimm? He is one of the guys who acually goes alone into the battle, when I was a ninja, Kingrimm was my idol (sort of  :mrgreen:)
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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2012, 01:00:51 pm »
wait,wait,what ?

You want him banned for calling you "Dimmwimm" ?

well then in a spirit of trolling,I demand ban for people who call me Sissy Cleaner,because I have two CC not three...I found this very offensive Tenne,can I QQ to you like Kinngrimm ?
Quote from: Melee Gaming
Protemus, You have received a warning for non-relevant posts in ban section also for personal attacks with disgusting insults on the forums. Chill out and enjoy the game. Regards, cRPG Team

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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2012, 05:06:37 pm »
TBH CCleaner, I wouldn't want to play with the abuse Kinngrimm has to take from multiple directions and Bjord probably needs a break for a while.

This guy comes across like a little kid, feeling tough in some computer game, chest beating and posturing. Give him a time out. My opinion is possibly influenced with me being another target for his insults on the server :D
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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2012, 06:05:03 pm »
Just for record ; Deserters are spamming every ban thread like this 10. time i ve seen.

And Cicero isn't spamming.

Sorry for off-topic.
Well i don't really post something if its off-topic ; you are just a hater.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 07:42:01 pm by Cicero »

Offline kinngrimm

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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2012, 06:07:35 pm »
Quote from: Saracen_el_Bhjourd
(click to show/hide)

Since i was first on the duel servers nearly 2 years ago now, i recognised you as a skillfull player and therefor i respect you, tbh in return i only ever hoped to get some respect back, something i tried to achieve by being a constant mouse jockey who is at times playing literally around the clock. Yes i do have better gear then others who didn't play that much and yes i have a higher level for the same reason, still i want to think about myself also as a good player. Something which i guess we all at least most of us have in common. My playstyle though never will include high skills in blocking without a shield. That and certainly other things as all who know me from playing is a weakspot. Does this make me a better or worse player, well a worse player certainly at times when my shield is gone, which then again is my reason to go for maximum lvl to get around of one of my weakspots, others i will properly never get around, like kickslashes and chrushthroughs and getting shot by tremendous amounts of ranged  :oops:

I met you once on teamspeak and i thought to myself he(you) isn't that arrogant after all how people do describe you at times and i never made a big deal about what you said occasionally to me or anyone else, but about 3 months ago something changed between us where i am not sure what or how. Afterwards there was nearly no round , defintly no map where you didn't call me out in one way or the other. Which then at some point wasn't funny anymore. Something what did change in my behaviour since then, when i see you on the battle field i often try ignore you, which sadly is one way of compensating my incapability to communicate to you before to stop this nonsence. Anyways if you are willing to treat me in the way you want to be treated and you confirmed here, than we can get along just fine. It is said that people have at all times at tops about 5 really good friends. With the internet we have lots of buddies, that is something i can be for the most of people without a doubt, aslong some forms of communication are followed, even not being a buddy is something we all can do with each other as long we treat each other well.

But be aware, i will give me one right, which is to call you out when you flame others and i get the feeling that they are harassed by you in a way i felt it myself. Especially when they are new players who may have teamhit you and you are going all apeshit on them  :wink:

(click to show/hide)
I would call this probation, a) if nothing happens within the next say 6 months which would make me, as former target, or any admin think this was a ruse or he just didn't change a bit, not only with me but in general.
Then b) i would again come with screenshots next time more of those concerning other people. c) If so then i wouldn't go only with 2 weeks. Sorry but here i complettly disagree, maybe because i was his personal target for several months altogether now. Even Leshma was less annoying at his worst. Then again Leshma is not that good of a player as Bjiord and perhaps it just hurt more to see it with such a good player, which i always kind of think then of the spiderman movie theme ^^ with great power comes great responsibility ... cheesy i know :) but still.
d) after these 6 months are over, and such stuff happens again, then to my thinking it is most likely he would be in a bad place at that time and i wouldn't stack ban times but repeat with another probation period.

So yes i am willing to give him a chance, i don't even wanna know why he is muted^^. But if he is honest about what he wrote, sure. The comment from me "you wont change him", refers to 2 things a) from hearsay over years which i cant put in good words and b) a out of my perspective constant ongoing repeated harassment of me and others less constant but repeatedly to many trolling and flaming. That is what you Bjiord in my eyes need to overcome, if you can't see that, please take a big step back and reevaluate your blindspot.

(An auto-mute feature would be pretty good though, I have to agree.)
especially it cant be the admins, or my task to educate people about basic behaviour. If they didn't learn it from their parents, nor in school, or anyone who really cares about them in RL they will anyways have a tough time in life, which but isn't the first concern of a player community. People who act in ways which are commonly not tolerated by most people .. hence the phrase "commonly not tolerated", will be always causing problems, again and still not our deal here, not in the forum not on the general servers. If a clan mate wants to educate another clan mate in good fate sure, but in an environment where we mostly are here for good fun and games and then the lines are crossed from some not even recognized for whatever problem with their compass there is a need for anyone to protect his own little space in a way i described. A way to mute players, which is saved on my computer or even on the server, so that we don't need to read the crap of people we don't want to engage with on a level not suitable in a way we feel would be OK. This way all the guys who hate me f.e.  :twisted: can just mute me without having the urge to slap me in the face the minute i write something into the general chat. Tenne Please communicate this also with the devs and/or other admins.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 06:26:13 pm by kinngrimm »
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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2012, 06:42:48 pm »
Just for record ; Deserters are spamming every ban thread like this 10. time i ve seen.

And Cicero isn't spamming.

Sorry for off-topic.
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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2012, 07:17:44 pm »
You know probation is a interesting theory with bans. Instead of just banning them for more minor things let them know they on probation which will worsen any crimes during that time but they get off with a warning basically. Ionno seems interesting to let the bad players control their fate more.
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I checked, the only Vagabond I found was Wolves_Vagabond_TheCruel, that guy is now unbanned. Ban reason was: "calling Zotte a cockswoggler".

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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2012, 07:20:46 pm »
Since i was first on the duel servers nearly 2 years ago now, i recognised you as a skillfull player and therefor i respect you, tbh in return i only ever hoped to get some respect back, something i tried to achieve by being a constant mouse jockey who is at times playing literally around the clock. Yes i do have better gear then others who didn't play that much and yes i have a higher level for the same reason, still i want to think about myself also as a good player. Something which i guess we all at least most of us have in common. My playstyle though never will include high skills in blocking without a shield. That and certainly other things as all who know me from playing is a weakspot. Does this make me a better or worse player, well a worse player certainly at times when my shield is gone, which then again is my reason to go for maximum lvl to get around of one of my weakspots, others i will properly never get around, like kickslashes and chrushthroughs and getting shot by tremendous amounts of ranged  :oops:

I met you once on teamspeak and i thought to myself he(you) isn't that arrogant after all how people do describe you at times and i never made a big deal about what you said occasionally to me or anyone else, but about 3 months ago something changed between us where i am not sure what or how. Afterwards there was nearly no round , defintly no map where you didn't call me out in one way or the other. Which then at some point wasn't funny anymore. Something what did change in my behaviour since then, when i see you on the battle field i often try ignore you, which sadly is one way of compensating my incapability to communicate to you before to stop this nonsence. Anyways if you are willing to treat me in the way you want to be treated and you confirmed here, than we can get along just fine. It is said that people have at all times at tops about 5 really good friends. With the internet we have lots of buddies, that is something i can be for the most of people without a doubt, aslong some forms of communication are followed, even not being a buddy is something we all can do with each other as long we treat each other well.

But be aware, i will give me one right, which is to call you out when you flame others and i get the feeling that they are harassed by you in a way i felt it myself. Especially when they are new players who may have teamhit you and you are going all apeshit on them  :wink:

I would call this probation, a) if nothing happens within the next say 6 months which would make me, as former target, or any admin think this was a ruse or he just didn't change a bit, not only with me but in general.
Then b) i would again come with screenshots next time more of those concerning other people. c) If so then i wouldn't go only with 2 weeks. Sorry but here i complettly disagree, maybe because i was his personal target for several months altogether now. Even Leshma was less annoying at his worst. Then again Leshma is not that good of a player as Bjiord and perhaps it just hurt more to see it with such a good player, which i always kind of think then of the spiderman movie theme ^^ with great power comes great responsibility ... cheesy i know :) but still.
d) after these 6 months are over, and such stuff happens again, then to my thinking it is most likely he would be in a bad place at that time and i wouldn't stack ban times but repeat with another probation period.

So yes i am willing to give him a chance, i don't even wanna know why he is muted^^. But if he is honest about what he wrote, sure. The comment from me "you wont change him", refers to 2 things a) from hearsay over years which i cant put in good words and b) a out of my perspective constant ongoing repeated harassment of me and others less constant but repeatedly to many trolling and flaming. That is what you Bjiord in my eyes need to overcome, if you can't see that, please take a big step back and reevaluate your blindspot.

EDIT:especially it cant be the admins, or my task to educate people about basic behaviour. If they didn't learn it from their parents, nor in school, or anyone who really cares about them in RL they will anyways have a tough time in life, which but isn't the first concern of a player community. People who act in ways which are commonly not tolerated by most people .. hence the phrase "commonly not tolerated", will be always causing problems, again and still not our deal here, not in the forum not on the general servers. If a clan mate wants to educate another clan mate in good fate sure, but in an environment where we mostly are here for good fun and games and then the lines are crossed from some not even recognized for whatever problem with their compass there is a need for anyone to protect his own little space in a way i described. A way to mute players, which is saved on my computer or even on the server, so that we don't need to read the crap of people we don't want to engage with on a level not suitable in a way we feel would be OK. This way all the guys who hate me f.e.  :twisted: can just mute me without having the urge to slap me in the face the minute i write something into the general chat. Tenne Please communicate this also with the devs and/or other admins.

Can you please warn kinngrimm to stop trashtalking me because I haven't said a word to him in months.

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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2012, 08:39:45 pm »
hes not trash talking u he just said ur not as good as Bhjourd
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Re: [BAN] Saracen_el_Bhjourd
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2012, 08:43:18 pm »
Alright, I assume that was an agreement to the "probationary period", although I didn't set a time limit.

Bjord, you're on probation, 6 months, as set by Kinngrimm, if you continue your abuse and harassment of fellow players, you will have a minimum sentence of 2 weeks.

* Tennenoth slams his hammer and adjusts his wig.

Court adjurned.

Seriously though, don't screw up this chance Bjord, as I said to you on IRC, people play this game because they want to have fun, not so that they can be abused by people they don't even know!
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