Remember how pissed karasu was because he didn't get admin powers despite the fact that half of the forum population voted for him?
I am not pissed, I am not even surprised. Anyone actually thought a Bandit could become anything around here?
Besides, you people tend to overestimate the power that is within your WRITTEN WORDS IN TEH INTERWEBZ. Especially Leshma... who takes that guy serious anyway. And Vibe is hard to put a finger on. Sometimes smart, sometimes "Zlisch"...
I'm just having fun in this forum. It just makes me sad sometimes that there are claims of being unbiased when it's obviously not the case. Rather annoying at times.
And no matter what you people say: Pan
os - if given the chance - would be a good and fair admin/moderator.
And just a short notice on this Xant-case (last time in this thread at least):
When I was reporting the post of Xant ("chocolate chip cookies didnt do genocide." - w/o any smiley or in some other context but just that statement) only one member of the staff responded and told me that complaining is pointless cuz it would be judged as "trolling" anyway and me being upset is understandable but a waste of time in this forum.
I don't care if you like me or not but that kind of "trolling" is cheap, sick, fucked up and dumb and shouldn't be tolerated even once.
Everyone claiming differently should take another peak into the history books or just be ashamed of himself.
Hell, Vagina and Gazda got banned on EU1 for making jokes - obvious ones and after questioned even stating it were jokes - about jews. Xant goes free.