peasant wars is officaly wort thing to happen. I start to think that they are bugged. Is there any way to end them? i played as france and got peasant wars around 1490 and now it is 1510. i fought against them first 10 years of war but than i just gave up because they just kept spawning but i ran out of money and manpower long befor that. One moment i counted about 195 k rebel troops. This might be a bit broken, not even mentioning constant events with stability, prestige or even legitemacy drops. Later i might aadd screenshots befor and after peasant wars.
Edit: year 23 of peasant wars, 7 new countries became independant, peasant wars go on, nothing helps, i fought back, killed them all, accepted all their demands, still nothing. No idea how to end this madness.
edit#2: about 84k rebels on my 14 provinces
peasant wars go on and dont want to end.
edit#3: befor
It's probably some other country supporting them, this can be awful if you're a less developed country, since now the Armies take their tech directly from the supporting country, not yours.
That army seems awfully easy to beat. There's no way the rebel army can sustain itself with 190k troops, use smart tactics to bait them into very low supply areas and they'll die, slowly sure, but it's better than fighting head on with a 190k army.
The best course of action that you can do is that you should handle them with military power, this isn't the same as EU3 where it was a chance every month, if you leave rebels to fester, even after defeating them in combat, they'll grow and grow until you can't handle them. Such as this case.
EDIT: I can also totally see protestant rebels. Yeah get your missionaries on those provinces ASAP unless you want them to get worse. I think your country maybe past the point of no return. You can either convert your country to protestanism if you have more protestant provinces than catholic, but then again the catholics will revolt. I don't see any way you can beat the peasant rebellion though.