In the Khoran it says that to teach the way of Allah, a true muslim lives by example and allows that alone to teach others, to make example of youself is forbidden. But anyway thats a sidenote.
Turks: Kicked ass for a long time, culturally a centre of the "known world" for most of recorded history, spawned amazing developments in art, science, society, warfare, etc. No one with an IQ in double figures doubts that.
Historically tho....Templars kicked their share off asses too...
And artistically, the video.........fucking rofl, UNIFORMS? Little square shields? Volleyfire in superneat outfits? GTFO of here! AHAHAHAHHA!
Thats what I see when I imagine if Bollywood remade Kingdom of Heaven.......
EDIT: And dont come on too heavy with the religious side of the Ottomans, the fine arts of SLAVERY and religious purging were practised by BOTH sides of the centuries long struggle between the two, Christianity and Islam, two sides of the same coin really....such a waste of time...