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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #60 on: July 30, 2012, 02:04:53 pm »
Its not about skill or no-skill, its about frags & scoreboard. All these shooters are good but the only way they can excel and get into the legend is by topping the scoreboard. I'll use Dave as example but you can apply it on any xbower/archer out there: he's perfectly good with 2handed weapon but often he can't survive long enough to top the board while with camping/hiding & shooting he gets 2 things: tons of free kills & starring role. Its better to be the one stealing rounds from all those who die to ranged right away then to be one of them and often not even making it into action on foot.

Just yesterday I got shot 4 times within about 3 seconds and instant killed while on foot.

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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #61 on: July 30, 2012, 02:09:25 pm »
And I dont care about that cuz I dont wanna get a degree in "crpg melee" but just wanna play a game for a little and get some frags, thats all.

Yes I do get your point, and I respect it! The choice between melee and ranged might well as be as much about the time one is able to invest, not only preferences.

I do feel however we are seeing a kind of snowball effect, as more and more players figure out its easier to be ranged, and also less frustrating. You are in general alive longer in a round (if you have some awareness), and you can be perfectly effective at both ranged and melee combat in what is considered a "ranged" build (15/24 arbalest or 18/18 hornbow is an example). Blunt 1 slot weapons make it even more viable an option.

I also have to 2nd what Gnjus said:

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[00:53] <xant> i used to play on eu_1
[00:53] <xant> then i took an arrow to the knee

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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #62 on: July 30, 2012, 02:24:58 pm »
Yes I do get your point, and I respect it! The choice between melee and ranged might well as be as much about the time one is able to invest, not only preferences.

I do feel however we are seeing a kind of snowball effect, as more and more players figure out its easier to be ranged, and also less frustrating. You are in general alive longer in a round (if you have some awareness), and you can be perfectly effective at both ranged and melee combat in what is considered a "ranged" build (15/24 arbalest or 18/18 hornbow is an example). Blunt 1 slot weapons make it even more viable an option.

I also have to 2nd what Gnjus said:

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I just want to add something: Playing ranged is not easymode, ofc you also need skill, anyway it is easier to avoid/counter melee players by having a ranged weapon.

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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #63 on: July 30, 2012, 02:27:01 pm »
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I dont understand how ANYONE who is pure melee enjoys themselves in the mod anymore: The game mechanics REWARD running away and kiting, and punish chasing.

I went 12 Gens as a pure archer, then another 6 gens as 18/18 archer with shortsword. Full loomed longbow, warbow, arrows and bodkins. I have multigen alts I made shielders, cav killers, cavalry (+3 destrier is a BEAST), Agishielders, throwers (pure and hybrid)...everything I could think of (yes Ive been a HA plenty, but never HX, or course, they are fantasy class and should be banned). I can fight reasonably well in melee, in that I can easily dispatch 50% of melee players, can kill another 30% after a few secs of working on them, and the remaining 20% destroy me. Im not too vain to admit that Im not 17, im not ever going to have the reactions to beat that 20%, they just amaze me. But I learn new things all the time, so maybe there is hope.

But the most fun I had was 18/18 archer. Sure, I could never kill ANYTHING without bodkins, because armour is so cheap that everyone stacks it on, so I got 75% of kills by stabbing players 7-10 times with a shortsword. But it was too unrewarding.

I have spent over 5000 hrs in crpg (I went off steam after the 5k mark, so I no longer have accurate count, but probably close to 7k by now). I have played every class, on every gamemode, extensively. My opinion is, I think, as valid as ANYONE elses.

NOW: The bows with leather sheaths, just LOOK at them: it is BLINDINGLY obvious that they are made to look like the sheath is attached to a horses saddle, NOT the player. Disable them on foot. Sure, many my old friends will rage, who gives a fuck, they wont leave, they are too addicted to kiting to leave, so Pop wont drop. Just spam of lazer arrows will slow down a bit. And horsebows will be back in the hands of horse archers, where they belong.

When drawing a high poundage bow (I am taking this from my own real life experience, I am amateur archer) you cannot walk and spin around, you just cannot do it without damaging your back. You also cannot jump while doing it. Well, you can try, but you will injure yourself, so, you wont.

I hate forceshields, that suck arrows out of air: Buckler is great example of this, they make me sick and ruin immersion, but worse are the sidestepping archers who cancel shield, or who time it so arrow point is inside shield, just before they are meleebumped, to cancel shield.

But WORST OF ALL in the game, worse than horse crossbowmen (Why is this still ingame, it has NO reallife comparison, crossbows light enough to be drawn by hand are not going to even go through mail, noone would ever do it since it would be a pointless waste of men), worse than the pikes that stab you in a facehug, worse than the overheads that cruise nicely thru enemy models without touching anything, worse than ALL that is the kiting.

I intensely dislike siege mode. I find it very frustrating, the spawns are bad, the spawn timers are bad, the balance is bad, the players behaviour is bad. But at least it is a fairly realistic game mode: Both teams have an objective, with multiple things to do to help/hinder their team and enemy team in completing their objective. I dont have to spend 45 seconds to 3 minutes chasing a guy who has put a paperweight on his W key while he spams his Q menu screaming I NEED HELP I NEED HELP as he runs froma  1v1, reguardless of class.

Before now I have shot players such as Blackbow twice in the back, then put my bow away and offered him a duel, my dagger vs his mace: what does he do? Run off....WHO are these ppl IRL?? Makes me sick.

I played native since it was released for beta, played mount and blade since it was a 1 euro download file. I loved it, I thought this was the best game of all time (I am old, I played on commodore 64 when it was state of the art, and computing consisted of writing your own programs on chipmunk basic (I doubt ANYONE but me remembers chipmunk...)). The lancing, the horse combat, the melee combat, the ranged combat were all so good. Then Warband :MULTIPLAYER!! AMAZING! I am a skilled FPS player, and can dominate most at tekken, MK, DoA: when I came to warband I was already owning ppl, but in native, DESPITE what loads of ppl rage about, ranged NEVER seemed overpowered to me: Sure they spam arrows really accurately, but with a shield or good dodges, you CAN get to them and kill them, or die to them in melee if they are good and lucky. But they could NOT just run indefinetly...But now, in cRPG...

Even as an agishielder you are punished for chasing archers...well, I say archers, but they are not archers. Archers take 18/18, and a melee weapon. my old friends run away.

We all have solutions to stop the kiting, but it seems "balance team" want the opposite: currently it is VERY possible to be an archer and be effective in melee, unfortunatly you will have to learn to do things like block, good footwork, better timing. Then there is strat, many players keep strat in mind when they build their chars, and this punishes pub gaming even more...

I could rant for hours about the backwardness of the mechanics and slot system currently...but instead I will stop here and put down what, IMHO, is the best fix:

Make ALL the bows 1slot. Currently the expensive bows are 2slots, but without arrows they are not a weapon, so they are, realistically, 3slot weapons. Then, redefine the slots. I take Vikingr mod as my inspiration here, Vikingr being the single most polished mod I have ever seen: Archers are VERY powerful, but the slot system is reworked: Of the 4 slots, 2 are weapon slots, 1 is a shield only slot, and the last is an ammo only slot. Archers are therefor limited to ONE stack of arrows. So are throwers. Noone can spawn with 2 shields. The pure throwers in the game can spawn with a 12 stack of javelins. Melee classes can spawn with 2 weapons, a shield, AND 1 stack of 2 or 3 throwing weapons. Ranged hits hard, injustice. But ammo is very limited. During a round, players can loot more ammo, exceeding their spawn slot limitations (obviously, 4 slots max is hardcoded I believe), so by the end of some rounds, some players have only a 1hander and 3 stacks of javelins that they have looted, and use them to punish their enemies, but all in all, the balance WORKS.

I don't know enough

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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #64 on: July 30, 2012, 04:14:17 pm »
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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #65 on: July 30, 2012, 04:23:47 pm »
Make ALL the bows 1slot. Currently the expensive bows are 2slots, but without arrows they are not a weapon, so they are, realistically, 3slot weapons. Then, redefine the slots. I take Vikingr mod as my inspiration here, Vikingr being the single most polished mod I have ever seen: Archers are VERY powerful, but the slot system is reworked: Of the 4 slots, 2 are weapon slots, 1 is a shield only slot, and the last is an ammo only slot. Archers are therefor limited to ONE stack of arrows. So are throwers. Noone can spawn with 2 shields. The pure throwers in the game can spawn with a 12 stack of javelins. Melee classes can spawn with 2 weapons, a shield, AND 1 stack of 2 or 3 throwing weapons. Ranged hits hard, injustice. But ammo is very limited. During a round, players can loot more ammo, exceeding their spawn slot limitations (obviously, 4 slots max is hardcoded I believe), so by the end of some rounds, some players have only a 1hander and 3 stacks of javelins that they have looted, and use them to punish their enemies, but all in all, the balance WORKS.

So, let me get this right, either 7 pt infantry hybrids will have 4 throwing lances for one slot while still having a good weapon and possibly a shield, or I would be limited to one throwing lance?
Also, this'd make every enemy in the game spawn with a shield, a turney shield if they got no shield skill, but, always a shield.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #66 on: July 30, 2012, 04:29:03 pm »
Datasette ftw :D

Except when the bloody thing unspooled after 30 mins of loading such gems as dynamite ducks....

So, let me get this right, either 7 pt infantry hybrids will have 4 throwing lances for one slot while still having a good weapon and possibly a shield, or I would be limited to one throwing lance?
Also, this'd make every enemy in the game spawn with a shield, a turney shield if they got no shield skill, but, always a shield.

Well, I see no reason why they shouldnt have a shield, but just as now: ANYONE can spawn with 2hander or poleaxe, a 1hander and a shield. As to throwing lances: On my 7PT hybrid I took 2 lances, an axe or sword, and a shield. Nothing seems to have changed: Just because currently Lances are 1 per stack doesnt mean its some kinda hardcode, if slots available for ammo becomes 1, then lances would probably need a 2 per stack edit, but THAT being your problem is akin to saying feeding the entire world is a bad thing because of the carbon emmisions of flying the food to the starving...
I don't know enough

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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #67 on: July 30, 2012, 04:37:47 pm »
« Last Edit: March 09, 2023, 07:24:03 pm by SirCymro_Crusader »

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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #68 on: July 30, 2012, 04:42:35 pm »
(yes Ive been a HA plenty, but never HX, or course, they are fantasy class and should be banned)

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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #69 on: July 30, 2012, 04:42:51 pm »
Well, I see no reason why they shouldnt have a shield, but just as now: ANYONE can spawn with 2hander or poleaxe, a 1hander and a shield. As to throwing lances: On my 7PT hybrid I took 2 lances, an axe or sword, and a shield. Nothing seems to have changed: Just because currently Lances are 1 per stack doesnt mean its some kinda hardcode, if slots available for ammo becomes 1, then lances would probably need a 2 per stack edit, but THAT being your problem is akin to saying feeding the entire world is a bad thing because of the carbon emmisions of flying the food to the starving...
Ok, so, I'd have two stacks of throwing lances on my pure horsethrower build, two which is often not even enough to kill one guy, EVERY lancer would carry a shield, a lance, a poleaxe, and maybe some onehanded dagger in the rare event they need to fight with their shield up, sure seems like a great system to me!

Also, regarding your stupid preach 'bout food 'n' carbon emmisions, it's horribly retarded, doesn't even fit to what we're talking about, and is a stupid attempt to make me look like some kinda horrible person who wanna make a bunch of people starve to death, so, let me put up such a comparison, but one that actually fits the situation.
Suddenly, the entire population on the earth gets some fatal illness, you, have the only possible cure, no one else can make it, but, you, cure yourself, then, when people ask you to cure them too, you answer "WELL, FUCK YOU, THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM, NOW GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAWN.".
The only difference with that and what you're saying is that you're also the creator of the illness.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #70 on: July 30, 2012, 04:44:36 pm »
So, we have cav being weak against archer cuz they do lots of damage to horses and shielders being weak against archer cuz they just sidestep and/or step into the shield to shoot... aaand 2h being useless against archer cuz they're either stacking str and just can't run them down or being killed by 2 body shots cuz of an agi-build... aaand xbow having a hard time to counter archer cuz arba reload takes days to do while horn bow works as a machinegun of some sort... aaand... wait, that's it...  :?

* benkei walks of to and clicks on respec-button to do a dedicated archer.
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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #71 on: July 30, 2012, 04:47:53 pm »
Cav are not weak against archers, fuck, on my paper arabian I can often ride straight up to an archer, dodging every arrow he sends at me, bump-stab him with my throwing lance, then turn around and kill him in one throw, and when I'm riding a champ plated charger I've looted I don't even notice I've been shot due to the health on it being insane.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #72 on: July 30, 2012, 04:55:24 pm »
Archers were in a good place for a time.

Then they all got their bows and arrows masterworked and their builds perfected.
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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #73 on: July 30, 2012, 05:13:58 pm »
Cav are not weak against archers, fuck, on my paper arabian I can often ride straight up to an archer, dodging every arrow he sends at me, bump-stab him with my throwing lance, then turn around and kill him in one throw, and when I'm riding a champ plated charger I've looted I don't even notice I've been shot due to the health on it being insane.

1 - Arabian is not a proper horse due to its unreal mobility
2 - the idea of a plated charger is that you take more damage due to the PLATE armor covering it
3 - the archers you fight must be new to the class or just suck at the game, try doing it against Robinhood, Blackbow and the two grey archers see how long you last then

Archers were in a good place for a time.

Then they all got their bows and arrows masterworked and their builds perfected.

Totally agree with you Thomek, most archers now days have loomed bows or arrows even if their not fully loomed their still +1 or 2
its really ridiculous.
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Re: A catchy title to start a debate.
« Reply #74 on: July 30, 2012, 07:57:31 pm »
True, but usually you know half of the players on the server since months back so you can always find someone to team up with.
I think the problem is the mentality among players. They think it's so hard to teamplay they donät even bother trying it.

But I know what the biggest problem is when it comes to this:

Individual kills (not deaths).

Simply remove kills from the scoreboard and people have no reason to be greedy and try to get kills who could be made easier by someone else in the team.
Instead reward players for winning rounds. Sure we already have the multiplier but maybe their can be something more.

Some players win 9/10 rounds. What do they get? Nothing I would say.

Instead, show round wins in the scoreboard and add to it on the next map.
The one with most wins in a row on each team gets access to a new commander system.

Now, that would increase teamplay.

You're all having a thoughtful discussion on ranged/build mechanics, but I'd like to point out that another reason that ranged kiters are so annoying is because of actual GAME MECHANICS. Until the flags spawn, the only way to win the round in battle is to kill everyone on the other team. Melee is forced engage ranged kiters to win, or they can camp somewhere and wait for the flags. The same type of problem pops up on maps with towers; one team is forced to engage(to the defenders advantage in a tower) or camp until flags. Just make the flags spawn sooner and you wouldn't have to chase an archer for 3 minutes, and they wouldn't be annoying. When your only strategy to win is camping and avoiding battle until flags spawn; the spirit of the game is defeated.

tl;dr version - Make flags spawn sooner

Those are pretty judicious ways of aboarding the issue.
All in all, the class balance kind of work since each class can fullfill its role and 1v1 situations mostly end up in a logical way (regarding which class wins over the other one).

But yeah the game mechanics of the battle mod probably makes it hard to have balanced fights. In a real battle situation there would probably be an assailant and an assaulted, a/multipe key place(s) to hold, a way to flee the battlefield instead of running in a confined area for hours, and most important a purpose for the battle.

Making the motf flags spawn sooner might be a good idea, but it should be placed in logical spots  in each map : motf flags sometime spawn in retarded places. That would prevent people from running in exotic places on their own, enforce and reward teamplay, penalize kitting/running ranged users since they would become useless if they're not playing for the team/flags.

And maybe spawn some free siege shields with the flags that would prevent one team from watching the other taking the flags, and archers surrounding and pewpewing them to death. Cause I sense my advice of adapting to the overwhelming number of archers and getting some protections/shield kind of fell in dead ears...

I mean yeah, why running into a battle, full of archers and xbowmen, with something to protect yourself when you can run like a hero with a fancy two-handed sword/axe/d*** in your hands.
You fackin selfush prucks think you'll find a shielder to protect yourself when you need it; but we shielders are so few that we sometimes end up with a straight line of defenseless tards behind us in front of a group of archers, who will end up spreading out and shooting the shat out of you. Or in manly charge situations half of our team gets slaughtered cause we're not enough shielders to protect everyone and we end up loosing the round cause, being too few cause people just wanted to frag and spam like tards, they don't wanna carry a shield that slow them down for the good cause. And btw shield doesn't make you that slow, I can still chamber pretty precisely with 6 shield skills and 148 1h wpf.

I made my build so I could use as many stuff as I could to help the team, I'm a one-hander/shielder/thrower/cav(/+20 pole wpf xD) with 18 str (well 17 for now but 18 in 2,8kk xp) and 21 agi. Means my build is weak as fuck but I can help everyone in many situations depending on what we need. I need a shitload of hits to kill most of any ubber build and I rarely top the score board but damn I'm proud when I save my mate's ass that didn't even realize he would be couched if I didn't throw a jav in the ennemy cav riding toward him, or when I charge head front in the ennemy inf to keep them busy long enough so the rest of my team can slaughter a good part of them, or when I slow down with a jav this annoying running archer being chased by 5 frag hungry mobs of my team.

Sometimes I regret this build cause we're too few playing like this and I feel sad defending players touching their e-penis in front of my face, and sometimes I do want to respec for a 1337 built and show you all how much you still suck with your absurd moves and awful spam with insane builds. [/cocky mod off] But that would be no fun anymore, I like to be able to use shitload of stuffs.

But yeah enough of me, changing the battle mechanics would probably fix a good part of the overwhelming number of ranged. And to those who support the fact that being a decent infantry would requiere months of duelling are wrong, I made my gf play the game with me on her laptop and just by explaining her the bases of group fighting she was able to backstab a few people in those situation when she was sticking with me (and stress put apart, she's not really good at video games :3).
Teamplay and brain is the key, not the number of hours you spent on EU3 ! Some players will always be better than others but they can't do shit if their ennemies teamplay properly, and teamplaying is not that hard it just require some good will. I don't need to be on ts with every players on the server to help them, it's just common sense, if you see a guy being overnumbered help him retreat, don't side swings in group fights if you're not sure how to, try to go on both side of one ennemy, don't attack in the same way so he can't block the 2 hits at the same time. Read the chat to know where to go.

People needs to be remembered this is a rpg/action/strategy game, the strategy being a good part of it and not only the skill.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 08:03:04 pm by 22nd_deprav »
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