loves spinning, loves jumpshot <- legit
hates spinning, hates jumpshot <- legit
loves spinning, hates jumpshot <- melee elitist whiner
hates spinning, loves jumpshot <- ranged elitist whiner
Actually, when it comes to most of the community's train of thought, it goes something like this:
Loves spinning, loves jumpshot <- pro
Hates spinning, hates jumpshot <- massive noob l2p nerd
Loves spinning, hates jumpshot <- melee elitist whiner
Hates spinning, loves jumpshot <- ranged elitist whiner
I belong to the massive noob l2p nerd category even though I can fight perfectly fine against such players as they're usually not the most skilled, it just kills my braincells because it feels like I'm suddenly on some Cirque du Soleil stage and have to know what's going on before I break my back.