Huh, must not be a weaboo.
The name change would make sense if the game were set in an asian area; but it isn't. I don't even think the weapons should have been changed from "strange sword" etc to katana etc. "Strange" fits the Japanese gear in this mod well.
Nothing against Japan by the way.
Yeah if anything I would've thought they would have classified you as a weeaboo, just by going on your avatar. Guess you dodged a bullet there.
Or have you come up with some secret technique?
But this isn't Native Mount and Blade. C-rpg is all about Variety, diversity and the ability to create your own unique warrior, according to whatever culture you want.
So I don't see why there should be any problem with giving non-western armor an appropriate name.
I mean by this logic, they might as well change all Eastern gear to "Strange [insert name here]" be it Mongolian/Khergit, Japa
nese, Saracens, Chinese, Sarranid, Korean,
and all Western gear to "Normal [insert name here]"