this is the first time i have ever seen archer with 6 iron flesh, because yeah, you will be totally fighting in front lines as archer.
you will, because less than 1% of the melee geniuses understands the concept of "protect your ranged and move out only after they have softened up the enemy..."
Oh, and from my recent builds I'd say: do not go over 7 or 8 pd. Powerarchers are not wanted in c-rpg, so we got fucked over and over again, until high pd archery was not feasable any more - the added damage does not give you a lot of oneshots, and you can't hit shit beyond 5 meters...
No reason though to become another one of the 2 or 3 pd my old friendchers... ;-)
I have PD7 atm with 162 WPF, quite ok, will go PD8 next gen with approx same WPF at 33