Author Topic: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?  (Read 3510 times)

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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2012, 08:09:01 pm »
what i need to learn is how to counter ppl who use husacarl shield and mw spear. They are moust annoying,hard hitting class in this game.
Somehow they meange to hit you from any position,from any angle and they hit pretty hard. Face hugging and left spamm seems to do the job,but not always work.
Sultan dude and king glype are hardest to kill.

You're the first person I've seen to complain about hoplites; the only thing they have going for them is reach. They support teammates well, but I'm not sure how any competent player could have a problem against one in 1v1 (unless they use a war spear and put away the shield, then they are as tough as a normal polearmer). But as long as they have that shield equipped, they stab so slow that pretty much anyone can spam them.

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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2012, 08:33:23 pm »
TurmoilTom already beat anyone with 1hand experience, but yeah.  Spam left swings, and strafe to the enemy right.  It is the most broken animation, and you can quadruple hit shielders or 2handers or any class with a fast weapon and good footwork, endlessly spamming left swing without blocking or any other interruption.

By strafe to the enemy right you mean that I should move to my left while spamming left swings?

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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2012, 08:35:09 pm »
Feinting and Holding against a spammer will actually get you killed. Holds are only good against someone that tap-blocks or chambers.

If he gets hit before he gets a hit off, holding will do the exact opposite of helping him.

By spam he means someone continually attacking without ever blocking or stopping, not someone with an aggressive playstyle like the situation you're saying that holding is good against.

What do you mean by holding?  Does that mean staying defensive behind the shield without swinging?

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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2012, 08:40:25 pm »
I've played a few gens of 1h/shield.  The most difficult opponent to face is what I call a "ninja" (regardless of weapon they use).  They are high athletics, high wpf, 2h users.  They are very fast, use fast weapons, and they are hard to get the upper hand with footwork.  Fortunately, they have low durability.

There is no magic move you can do to defeat them.  Every enemy is different.  If you try one move (circle right while spamming left attack) it may help you kill an enemy, but it will not help you master these opponents all the time.

Here are the tips I have.  There may be some repeats from previous tips.

1. Keep them in front of you.  They will try to circle and hit your back/sides in order to negate your shield.  Be as persistent and stubborn as a bull dog, keeping them dead in your sights.  Since they can easily out-footwork you, this is your best bet.  Don't ignore all other aspects of footwork, but focus on this one.

2.  Bring the right equipment.  This means weapon and shield. 
For weapon, bring something long, but not too slow.  Since they are fast, if you have a short weapon they will try to play the distance game with you.  All the high tier swords do enough damage.  I call them "fly swatters".  It's always good to have a backup weapon (like an axe for fighting other shields).  Consider bringing a fly-swatter for killing ninja types.

For shield, I recommend a strong yet pretty fast shield like heavy kite shield, or an even faster one, but get it loomed if you can.  These "ninjas" have lower PS usually, and fast weapons like katana or longsword.  If you have a strong shield it will be frustrating for them because they can't break it.  It will allow you to take many hits, in case they are spamming the shit out of you.  It will also allow you to...

3. Have patience.  If the situation allows, don't press the attack.  They are the ones pressing, trying to kill as fast as possible.  If they are overwhelming you, fall back a bit.   Let them hit your shield 3 or 4 times without even trying to attack back.  Let them run around you in circles until they are dizzy, then do a quick faint and strike at their head.

4.  Aim for the head.  Many of these ninja types wear little to no head armor.  Make them pay for it.

5.  Pay attention to their feints/ non-feints.  Some "ninjas" will just spam.  If you see them doing this, dont' try to feint of they will just strike you.  Some attackers feint once or twice EVERY TIME they attack...if this is the case, just spam and you will hit them while they feint.  Just try to notice a pattern, if there is one.

6.  Don't just left swing.  This goes against some of the previous advice.  Yes, the left swing is fast.  You know that.  THey also know it.  They know its coming.  THEY KNOW ITS COMING.  It's so predictable.  I'm going to give you my secret now:  overhead strikes.  Seriously.  It's less predictable, has a confusing 1h animation, is fast, and still goes for the head.  They are hard to land sometimes, so practice it.  Still, I kill most of my "ninjas" with this attack.  It's not as reliably blocked.  Also, right swing is slow, but in the correct timing, it can hit them because they will underestimate its reach.

Hope some of this helps!  Good luck! :)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 08:45:49 pm by Garison »

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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2012, 08:49:12 pm »
I almost forgot the #1 best tip for killing these types of spammers...

Fall back to your friendlies and try to double/triple team them!  Or draw them to friendly archers to shoot them. :)

This is a good tip for killing any class tho. :)

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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2012, 09:00:24 pm »
By strafe to the enemy right you mean that I should move to my left while spamming left swings?

No sorry, strafe right on your screen (hold D and try to circle strafe to their left side while facehugging), if they don't counter their footwork to yours you can spam left swings.  This lets you cut through less skilled players very quickly.  If they backpedal, right swing for the reach to get hits in when they don't expect it.  I don't know why people say these always glance, if you aim it right it won't.  Overheads are fast and powerful, but easier to miss.  Recommend this in group fights or when left swing isn't working (the superior facehug attack).  Make sure to keep them centered in your view as best as you can so they don't do gimmickly hiltslashes and you can block when need be.
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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2012, 09:01:12 pm »
You're the first person I've seen to complain about hoplites; the only thing they have going for them is reach. They support teammates well, but I'm not sure how any competent player could have a problem against one in 1v1 (unless they use a war spear and put away the shield, then they are as tough as a normal polearmer). But as long as they have that shield equipped, they stab so slow that pretty much anyone can spam them.

They stab you from face hugging position. So distance is so small that they are not able to swingn in reality,but in game they stab you like we are at distance from 2 meters.

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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2012, 09:27:55 pm »
They stab you from face hugging position. So distance is so small that they are not able to swingn in reality,but in game they stab you like we are at distance from 2 meters.

Yeah, but the 1h pole thrust animation has got to be the slowest in the game. You have forever to ready your block, and after you block, you can spam endlessly without fear of counter-attack as long as they keep their shield equipped. Good hoplites drop the shield as soon as it becomes a 1v1 though.

Also, +1 to everything Garison said, especially the bit about opening with an overhead. Everyone instinctively blocks right to start against 1h. Often when you open with an overhead, it throws them off.

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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2012, 11:14:41 pm »
Strafing right and left swing won't help you when they do the hiltslash dance. Strafing left and stab might, though, because they don't expect it, but it takes some practice.
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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2012, 11:58:14 pm »
Yeah, but the 1h pole thrust animation has got to be the slowest in the game. You have forever to ready your block, and after you block, you can spam endlessly without fear of counter-attack as long as they keep their shield equipped. Good hoplites drop the shield as soon as it becomes a 1v1 though.

Also, +1 to everything Garison said, especially the bit about opening with an overhead. Everyone instinctively blocks right to start against 1h. Often when you open with an overhead, it throws them off.

You definetly didn't fight vs some good player.
What about their jumb backwards stabing you right in the face just when you think u got them? If he is a smart player he will always be in crowd,with high agility he will always be able to run or turtle untill help arives or suprise attack.
You will almoust never get them alone,or if they are alone they have high agility so you can suck his balls 1vs1.
Any try to fight anyone in clusterfuck will resount in loosing half health because spearmen with shield will stab you.
They are devestating if there is more of them in one group with 2h or other enemies.
That class and dudes with big axes are my worst enemies to fight against.

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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2012, 12:16:42 am »
The problem must be your ping, footwork or reaction time as other people mentioned. I never have problems with anyone spamming me without being able to attack back while I use a 1h, apart from stun ofcourse, but you're a shielder and I'm not.

Garison is right, leftswing is overrated. My most used attacks are the right swing and the overhead as a 1h. Everyone fighting a 1h expects the left swing. Not surprisingly because the bulk of the mediocre players whores it like there is nothing else. Overhead became a lot harder to use though, but its still my prefered attack over the leftswing. It is longer and not much slower, just harder to aim. Ofcourse hitting the head makes you hit faster than hitting the shoulders or arms.

Holds work very effectively against more skilled spammers, those that can block but try to double hit all the time. Very short holds will lure them in trying to go for the second hit, while they can't. It's good to get short holds in your repetoire. Rapes any chamberer, while still not getting you spammed.

Mediocre 2h's are great to fight when you have a 100+ range 1h. Your sword is really not that much shorter than a 120 range greatsword. Combined with good footwork and range control you can hit them in the face easily with rightswings. Especially when you get the wiggle right.

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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2012, 04:51:34 am »
Explain holds.  Is that just blocking with the shield and not swinging?

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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2012, 06:30:32 am »
The best advice I can give to 1h and perhaps shielder is that players that go with 2h spamming are easiest to defeat by playing passive (imo)

Just back off all the time and let them at least attempt to backpeddle while they hit your invulnerable shield, eventually they will get bored and start feinting or facehugging you or do some stupid mistake that can easily get you some free hits.

But there's always situations where you have to judge for yourself whether or not this person is dangerous.
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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2012, 08:03:40 am »
Turkhammer a hold is when you have an attack ready and you just "hold" it (not blocking)
This is a game of chicken, a timing game...NOT advisable with a bad ping :)

I am a 2h (21/21 MW Longsword) and I often do holds especially left swing because of the long reach of that swing, the second someone thinks they have a shot and lower their block or go for an attack themselves, I will release and go for the face.  Bursting forward with 7 ATH helps in this.

Anyhow that's what they are talking about.
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Re: How to beat a spamming 2h as a shielder?
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2012, 08:10:24 am »
You can always roll 2h spammer too and just let lady luck play it