Didnt know where to put this so it somehow ended up here, wanted to adress mainly the people i played with continuously together trought this game but i also wanted to adress all those whom i befriended ingame, those who accepted and took part in my various little quirks and shenanigans as well as apologize to those whom i teamkilled, and more than once i was reckless,
or offended.
I guess all good things must come to an end sooner or later and altho this game made me rage on more than a few occasions, overall i enjoyed my time in this little community.
It is time to hang my Danish on the wall and call it a day. I will still ocasionaly play on a STF, perhaps admin and do some events for the melee server and spam the clan thread a bit
just to maintain the friendship with the my old friends untill we again find some mutual game that we can all enjoy. (GW2? TESonline? MnB2? who knows)
There is no ultimate reason to this decision, all i can say is that it was a multitude of little factors that finaly added up. I have to dissapoint you all and say that there wont be any loom or gold give away, i have deleted my main character for the second and final time and all the looms and gold went to the guild bank.
I wont mention or make a list of people that i thank because they know who they are.
Tho i will thank Gnjus for recruiting me, it was one hell of a ride.