Author Topic: [Stat boost] Agility buff/suppression based on weapon specific weight  (Read 662 times)

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Bear with me here: this is a basic, unfinished idea that came to me yesterday. Further development of the idea would be great if it catches on. Feel free to rip this idea apart constructively. I'm just trying to contribute something to the community (and maybe see some love for the AGI stat)

Given the prevalence of strength leaning (and strength) builds, I'd like to propose a bonus given to weapons based on a weight limit.

For example, agile fighters generally tend towards smaller, quicker weapons as opposed to a morning star.

In that respect, perhaps giving the agility stat a small percentage bonus one of these weapon attributes:

speed[hell naw],
maybe even a slot decrease

to weapons that are under a certain weight unit for each class of weapon. I think the removal of certain modifiers (unbalanced) could even be toyed with, but

For example, the Hafted Blade (polearm) has a weight unit of 1.7 and the Long Axe has a weight unit of 3.0. For the sake of argument, let's say the weight cutoff was >2.5 for a polearm weapon for it to qualify as a "heavy" weapon (or <2.5 to qualify as a "light" weapon)

With every agility point above the characters strength stat, the character will then get minor boosts for any polearm weapon under the weight of 2.5 (like the Long Axe), perhaps 0.8% damage boost (or whatever). And maybe receive damage penalties for polearm weapons over the weight of 2.5 (in this case, the Long Axe).

So a 15/24 (+9agi over str) build will see far more success with damage/speed/slot decrease/modifier boost with the Hafted Blade, and receive a speed/damage/slot increase/modifier suppression with the Long Axe. Using the numbers I spewed out, the agility build will see a 7.2% increase in whatever stat it's supposed to have boosted (even as I type this out, 7.2% is pretty huge anyway).

This proposal is meant for constructive discussion, and to perhaps see another use for Agility instead of just a requirement and running speed stat.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 07:42:46 pm by Dexxtaa »
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Re: [Stat boost] Agility buff
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2012, 07:31:33 pm »
I also realize there's the whole KATANA FOLDED STEEL  thing to deal with, but we'll deal with it as it comes.
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Re: [Stat boost] Agility buff
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2012, 07:33:47 pm »
Or just make it so that you don't get free WPF every time you gain a new level.  Make it so you only get WPF if you pick agility...(or as it stands, you get a lot more if you put a point into WM).

But if they took my suggestion, they'd have to allow everyone a free respec, and there's no way in hell they'd do that.
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Offline Dexxtaa

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Re: [Stat boost] Agility buff
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2012, 07:37:17 pm »
Or just make it so that you don't get free WPF every time you gain a new level.  Make it so you only get WPF if you pick agility...(or as it stands, you get a lot more if you put a point into WM).

I thought about that, but WM boosts do affect swing speed every few points (10wpf points (?) I believe) including damage. So we'd end up with the 200wpf fly swatter swingers of the old cRPG. Plus, cav are already wpf powerhouses if they want to be, given their agility leaning builds, so limiting the weapons themselves is a method to limit the penalties and boosts specific to the ground pounder footman playstyle
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So agility only gets a bonus for every point its higher than strength while using a weapon is under weight limit, correct? If im not misunderstanding what you're proposing this won't help balanced builds at all specifically 18/18 or 21/21 And only slightly help an 18/21 build?
My horse is named pebbles and we like to try.

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So agility only gets a bonus for every point its higher than strength while using a weapon is under weight limit, correct? If im not misunderstanding what you're proposing this won't help balanced builds at all specifically 18/18 or 21/21 And only slightly help an 18/21 build?

Yeah. That's what I'm going for. So it doesn't help STR leaning builds at all. Totally balanced builds will not experience any adverse effects from this idea. The goal I have in mind is to engage more interest in AGI leaning ground pounders without adversely affecting any other class of fighter.

Also, Morso, if you want to downvote an idea, at least provide feedback. Peasants. What can you do.
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The goal I have in mind is to engage more interest in AGI leaning ground pounders without adversely affecting any other class of fighter.

Why is this desirable?
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Also, Morso, if you want to downvote an idea, at least provide feedback. Peasants. What can you do.

Morso is Herkuttati. He's pro STR and hates AGI builds.

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Dexxtaa I +1'd it because of the pole dancing bunny :lol: 

On a serious note i could see a slight addition to damage because of a speed bonus for agi builds, not as much of an effect as power strike though.


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Honestly if they just reduced the DRASTIC penalties to athletics, I would be happy.
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Re: [Stat boost] Agility buff/suppression based on weapon specific weight
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2012, 01:51:32 am »
How about: having more agility than strengh stop the rain nerfing your moving speed. Also instead of buffing dmg, have agility affect swing speed on weapons. Maybe not a lot, but...something would be nice.
I don't know enough

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Re: [Stat boost] Agility buff/suppression based on weapon specific weight
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2012, 06:18:22 am »
Why is this desirable?
Right now there is little reason to make an agility-heavy build, because sticking with your team eliminates most of the disadvantages of having low ath.

Agility is good for fending off multiple people (not really an issue if you stick near teammates), and for footwork in a 1v1 (not terribly useful in battle, when compared to 1 or 2 shotting people from within a group of teammates).

Stacking strength not only greatly increases your damage output, but it also substantially increases your survivability (both through IF, and through +1 HP per point of strength).

Running around with a 15/27 build carefully picking fights with small groups of infantry is incredibly fun, but it is a suboptimal playstyle when the teams are decently balanced.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 07:15:32 am by Vodner »