Author Topic: Ban request: Lanicor_is_tight  (Read 334 times)

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Ban request: Lanicor_is_tight
« on: June 10, 2012, 03:54:44 pm »

So, yesterday I was minding my own business on the new EU1 server.

The map was Field by the river.

Everyone spawned, I spawned in the middle.

Then, this Lanicor_is_tight came and bumped me, I lost around 10% hp, I was angry because there was enough space to avoid me and he didn't do it (It's very annoying when you lose this much health because of a friendly bump, especially when you are in peasant clothes) so I reported him.

He became mad, and bumped me again, so I was down to 80% health.

I reported him again.

Screenshot 01:
(click to show/hide)

Then, after some time, he lost his horse during the battle, then he killed me from behind for no reason.

I reported him again.

Screenshot 02:
(click to show/hide)

Give a one day ban to him, that will teach him the lesson.
I was the first one who started -1-ing everyone, now everyone does it to everyone.

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Offline Tennenoth

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Re: Ban request: Lanicor_is_tight
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2012, 10:12:25 am »
Despite the fact that I believe you that this happened, there isn't enough evidence here to prove that both of those were intentional, there are too many different circumstances that Lanicor could cry were happening and therefore it would be silly of me to ban without substantial proof that there was no one near at the time of these two incidents.

Sorry, ban request denied.
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BullDog Clan member since 31/08/2010 / Caravan Guild member since 03/08/2010

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