The old USA clan guys had some of the best morningstar cav I've ever seen, followed in a close second by Lemmy Winks.
Gafferjack is a name that comes to mind for being very notable, but I can't quite recall his class... Archer, I think.
Neo_Qc, the human gold sink.
copper and Ghillie. Both kickin' ranged players back when they still played.
BaleOhay is probably one of most fun players to duel, in my experience. Fighting him is a refreshing change from all the aggressive playstyles I normally find on NA (that easily succumb to obvious kicks and chambers).
Every dude in the Crafty clan deserves a mention, if only I knew all their names...
Wesley is a good player whose name I don't see pop up too often.
Hobb and Phyar are both good players from TKoV and I always enjoy fighting them.
I haven't seen Thol in a long, long while, but he was definitely one of the better swashbucklers on NA, alongside BobtheHero (And me, at the time
Kaoklai's cool, too. Funny guy to talk to and even more fun to duel. Can chamber-block him till the sun sets, but even then you probably still wouldn't have hit him.
Huey Newton, for having such an insatiable bloodlust it surpasses all restrictions and boundaries. His lance does not discriminate.
Rhaelys, for tanking all of my hits forever.
Isatis, who might actually do remotely well if he didn't run around with a 3/36 build and a +1 Scythe or whatever the hell he's doing nowadays.
FrugFrug. NA stone thrower master alongside the dreaded Disenfranchised_Palestinian.
sWalker, he may not play anymore, but I always loved reading his forum posts about his strat battles and watching him add extra holes to any given skull.
Walt_F4 the all-knowing.
A_BEAR_IRL was probably the first dude I thought was legitimately awesome when I started playing cRPG.