So, lets sum up.
- Wpf should affect weapons repair costs.
For example,
120 wpf = 5% upkeep, every 10 less wpf brings an additional +3%*1 upkeep, every 10 more wpf brings -0,5%* upkeep.
- Shield skill should affect shields repair costs.
For example,
3 shield skill = 5% upkeep, every 1 less brings additional +10%*2, every 1 more brings -0,5%* upkeep.
*1 I think 3% is better, because 1% is not a big change.
*2 I think 10% is better, because 1% is not a big change, and, remember, with 0,1,2 shield skill youre not shieldman, but 2h/polearm with shield, so you can use only worst, CHEAP shields. Pay for them more, coward!