I will never be able to believe how the internet revealed the total percentage of idiots within the human race, it's literally shocking!
I will never ever understand why someone could choose to run around like a knight-samurai-Saracen. It would simply hurt my feelings of aesthetic and good look. No, not even "for the lulz", because dressing funny stopped being a good laugh at the age of... seven?
Not enough that you already implemented that fucking Weaboo and Ninja crap, now you also allow banners in neon colours? Can't this be moderated somehow? Giving some rules concerning the icon and the colours?
For example:
- no screenshots/photographies (the horse in the picture, for example)
- no items/things that didn't exist before 1600 (a car, a rifle, etc.)
- no letters ("TGC" - tight gangstas crew) unless implemented in some kind of banderoles with Gothic font (e.g. "Deus lo vult")
- no pictures which look "funny"
- no ugly colour combinations. Usage of complementary colours is advised.
- no picutres which do not look like made by a medieval artist and/or could not be embroidered onto a banner, excluding too soft colour gradients/shadows
This should basically restrict all banners to nothing else than what should fit to the banners we have already ingame.
Yes, I am quite intolerant in those matters.