I have the exact opposite impression, i find the Vanu guns to have very shit damage and overall poor performance at close range. They do destroy stuff at medium-long distance, though.
Thats the point.
Also, having never played PS1 and exclusively played NC since launch... I tried out TR with some other buddies of mine. Holy crap! Your guns are accurate as shit sideways with a tiny amount of recoil in comparison. You guys also get off 2-3 bullets for every one NC shoots. No wonder I sometimes get sniped by a LMG from across a tile.
Then people are like "Yo dawg, TR aren't supposed to be accurate. Thats Vanu's job." I now only wonder how Vanu does not simply steamroll the shit out of everyone all the time. Their magriders are dickbeans. (How many times have you missed the rocket that goes under their tank.) Their rifles are (still havent tested, so supposedly) pinpoint accurate with no drop. Also, on every server I have played on (3 different groups of friends = 3 different servers. fml ) they dominate the air. Not saying scythe OP, just that Vanu have a bigger air zerg then everyone else.
Tempting to roll a Vanu myself simply to enjoy what sounds like complete OP'ness. But 4 characters...
Edit: I also tried that low fps thing on my computer, it didn't do anything...I have similar specs than him, 550x instead of 560, and my fps didn't move. No fairs.