On my archer alt im trying 21 18
At the moment its 20 18,and its much easier to kill anything in melee than with the horn bow but here it goes the build:
lvl 31 :
7 ps 7 pd 6wm 6 ath
143 wpf in archery the rest which i think its 78 goes to 2h, 1h fighting axe in 2h mode,or go langes messer or mace,whatever u feel it fits u. Probably u can get away with less wpf on 2h anyway,but ull pay for the melee weapon a lot.
Its kinda squishy,cause no if and u have to use low armor to be able to shoot anything over mid range,so u get one mistake or maybe 2 at the most.
Maybe 18 18 would work better cause of the survivality thing ,but with with unloomed horn u wont kill too much unless u headhost a lot.