seriously, why do we have people here who lobby FOR racism?
i mean, i am not saying banning this braun idiot is helping anybody, and that we can't just deal with it like mature humans: ignore him and he will eventually stop, or even better: educate the person and they will gain no fun insulting people (even if calling them gays (if thats considered and insult), and whatever)
--- but: what bugs me here is that you Zlisch are calling it a small problem we should just accept, and then you go and insult people for their effort to change something about it - wtf is up with you?
your mum didn't teach you to call out racists for their bullshit? I'm sorry if you missed that opportunity, my mum did and I love her for it.
well anyway, I'm not interested to stirring up the shit in some of the brains around, so I'll leave it at that.
All this fear of racists and chocolate chip cookie's are fucking up peoples brains, I recall once being on EU_1 with more than half the players denying that Seinstein and his crew were quite intelligent people, and then insulting the hell out of me for claiming it... I believe freedom of speech is important shit and unless you're scammin' 'n' shit or actually being a threat to other peoples lives then it's a lot more important not to fuck up freedom of speech than to ban speech you disagree with, I believe in the right to be a racist asshole. As long as the persons intentions are not to physically harm another human being I do believe he should be allowed to say whatever fucked up shit he pleases.
And if society wants to cut down on racism the first step (and probably the final one as well) would be to stop teaching nationalistic ideas to people, not mention how wrong what is caused by nationalism is while ignoring the cause, while waving your countries flag and talking about how you're a better person than anybody else due to being born in Sweden or something.
And BTW, an insult only maters if it comes from someone you respect, and I doubt you respect the racists, so why does their opinion mater and have to be dealt with as long as it's pretty clear they ain't gonna go out and massacre a bunch of children the next day?
Also, I recall once in NW a guy was banpolling some guy called 104th_Tony_the_Slave or something due to using black skin color along with his name, is Tony_the_Slave a horrible person? Do we want people banned for that shit here?