Gameplay of Hospitaller_Huseby :
Thanks for posting that, didn't see it until today. I have a terrible memory for most things, but apparently not c-rpg. I remember both of the maps, the first part of the clip is when I just joined the server for the day, and you can see my timing is a little off (late), which usually happens until I get warmed up after a few minutes.
I was doing pretty well on the next map in 2 out of the 3 clips with multiple successive lance stabs, but I still don't think the video shows what I'm capable of when I'm playing well. But a lot of the time I play like shit too, so it's probably pretty accurate.
Either way, I've been meaning to take some videos when I play to show my perspective (first person heavy lance cavalry) and try to entice some people to get into c-rpg, but since I'm too lazy to do that, I appreciate someone else recording people playing.
Thanks for recording/compiling and putting in the effort