Just red some topic about performance problems, ATI video card there.
Now, I know there surely is nvidia players with poor performance.
I ll start from scratch:
- If you somehow can bare it...reinstall Win 7 or your old, other, random OS
Not mandatory, a fresh, clean OS rocks + all stability issues get fixed because...
- You freshly install all c++ librarys etc. etc. (since I did this, crpg never crashed again)
Gfx settings that guarantee better fps:
Nvidia Control Panel:
If your card is older:
Most important ->
Maximum performance, no energy saving.
Preset for general performance set to high performance....never quality.
If GFX older, try uncheck Anisotropic Filter, AntiAliasing, Multi/-Supersampling, and SSAO.
In Warband uncheck loading textures on demand, vsync.
Check instancing!
Set your fps to 65 or 125 (i got it set to 65, perfect for playing on a TV)
Maybe this helps?