This feels like the only way to balance cav... it would force them to carry a good sidearm, so we wouldn't see anymore lancer cav carrying a giant polearm/2h on their back. Pretty stupid seeing cav go around lancing person after person, and unlike some people say, its easy to outrange the 2h greatswords if you know what your doing, Huey, Rohypnol, Hobb and many other good cav do it all the time. I made a cav alt and im even able to do it when i try hard, and im speaking from the perspective of my 2h main and from my cav alt. Playing on my cav alt, im able to maintain like a 3:1 KD ratio and i am terrible at cav, haven't played it since the beta of warband. And you can say that the good players are aware and can sidestep cav, or carry a pike etc, but fact is, eventually those players are gonna get locked down in a melee fight where they cant pay full attention to the cav. This would also force cav to pick their targets, so they cant just go rambo and lance everything in sight, or waste their lance couching the late spawners/afks.Also, on a realism note, Knights would normaly drop their lances after the first charge, if they were still even intact (which was highly unlikely). This suggestion would make cav less appealing, but still viable, so we wont see 15 people out of the 40 man team on horses. Not to mention, it might make the double sided lance useful.