Was wondering why you "overreact" a little, knowing you, as someone with enough skill, Leshma...?
Cant deny, stagger makes life easier in such cases.
Though you should know, I was dedicated 2h for what, 2 years.
Guess what, next gen is 1h again.
There will be no blame against maulers, no, just a nice challange.
Be asured, whenever i come back to 2h, i get a hard donkey because 2h swords in general have the least flaws and downsides, considering you know what u are doing...deep inside, you know i am right.
I dont think many ppl. ever tried everything they could to face maulers effectively...but therefore invest time into telling others how obviously the cant handle range.
Remember, this aint no barmace situation (which was completly retarded and off)
Mauls biggest strentghs imply tremedous disadvantages, ur job to force maulers into these scenarios...or?