
what should we concentrate on?

adding new gamemodes (Stronghold, CTF, Conquest, Commander Battle...)
690 (17.9%)
improving existing gamemodes (Battle, Siege, DTV, Rageball...)
340 (8.8%)
improving Strategus battles
314 (8.1%)
changing/improving reward (XP/gold) system
710 (18.4%)
changing/improving upkeep system
246 (6.4%)
working on item balance
289 (7.5%)
adding more depth to combat (new mechanics, stamina...)
761 (19.8%)
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270 (7%)
bug fixing/polishing (voice chat, interface...)
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Author Topic: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?  (Read 136744 times)

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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #435 on: September 14, 2012, 08:12:08 pm »
I am sorry you must not like being defeated by good defensive footwork causing your poorly aimed side swings that started in the enemy to bounce or that just barely hit at the end to bounce god forbid that dodging the real killing arc of a swing was hard for you to stop.

Im talking about perfect aimed hits with an agi build (9-30)

I am sorry but the awlpikecopters are still here.
Where? It seems you are new, or you just cant remember a real awlpikecopter? A 360 degrees jumpstab that hits spot on. Turnspeednerf took that out of the game.

I am sorry but timing a chamber is much hard than doing a double feint.
As it should be. Chamber is both a block and an uberfast attack, the least you have to do is look through a feint so you wont mess up your chamber. You say chambering is too hard, try playing with the big boys, they'll chamber every hit you try to land if you ask em to.

About my 4th point, indeed its not very clear, lemme try again, this is what you wrote:
4. Also with proper footwork and religious turning it is now possible to swing after being hit with no need to block if you once again can put your new magic instant slash into position.
Thats called skill... If you have enough agility, you can move to the right position to attack before your enemy gets a free second attack on you.
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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #436 on: September 14, 2012, 08:18:23 pm »
Dear chadz.

                     I would like to petition that you revert the melee combat back to native gameplay. I deeply appreciate your attempts to fix some of the more gamey content of native gameplay but I find that the changes are less appealing than basic native gameplay. Let me tell you points and counter points to some of the changes.

1. The earlier active attacks which cause bounces less frequent and makes you bounce on objects and maul your teammates behind you with left and right swings. I know this was to address the cries of he swinging through walls and allies to get me.

My reason why I feel this is bad,

1. I feel this is bad because the raw 90 degree angle left and right and overheads are just a representation of all kinds of overheads and diagonals that one would use given surroundings and allies.  The old native gave you a small leniency when your weapon passed through allies knowing full well the games very limited animations of being 90 degress and decided to give players a bit of wiggle room on this based on the idea that your guy isn't a blood thirsty double brain celled microorganism using the super basic attacks to feed your epeen but plausibly would have chosen a slightly different attack direction to avoid slamming ones allies.

2. The almost extinquishing of bounce hits on slashes because your attack is active and at a lethal speed sooner almost completely eliminates defensive foot work and instead has opened up a slew of more vicious gamey hiltslashing instant hits that are far more difficult to counter.

3. Another weird change that happened due to this change is that chambers. {A very risky manuever of attacking an attack to block and attack at almost the same instant.} Has been almost completely phased out as it is now actually possible to release an attack see that it has had a chamber swing initiated cancel your swing feint into a different slash and with proper footwork and turning thanks to the new earlier active swings your 2nd swing will land before the chamber where as the chamber will have no chance as your placement and footwork to make a chamber succeed will be defeated. In Native the lack of an earlier active swing will punish the player for releasing a 2nd swing that would have been after the chamber initiation swing.

4. Also with proper footwork and religious turning it is now possible to swing after being hit with no need to block if you once again can put your new magic instant slash into position.

Now in favor of reverting the new turn radius nerf.

I haven't actually witnessed the turn radius nerf stop lol stabs or overheads in the least it has merely made it harder for those with less crack addicted ultra sensitive mouse characters to perform the same things as those of us with stupid high max mouse sensitivity.

And last but not least I would like to see a revert to the wpf curve to some degree.

I actually played a strength build when the game allowed the agility stackers to keep their wpf over generations and I found that at a certain point no matter how fast my opponents were thanks to natives very nice basic gameplay if one was to block and strike you could always make a counter swing. I did however notice that by gimping the wpf of the agility characters their damage output which was about a 3rd less than a strength build of similar mirror and a much less hp was diminished even further placing the strength build easily into the generally better catagory.

Too conclude this mod is still great but I feel like with each small patch to the gameplay which wasn't perfect in native the game become slightly more and more buggy and gamey than it originally was. I hope if you actually read this to recieve your thoughts on the post.

Respectfully an ardent undieing fan of this mod.

native = spam and glichfest
crpg = chambers kicks and brain usage

sorry if we make crpg like native i am out
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Nerf you maybe?

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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #437 on: September 14, 2012, 08:54:04 pm »
9/30 Agi has always been too weak as I suggested if we went back to the old wpf profs it would have more hitting power due to higher wpf But then again I guess your too young to remember what crpg melee was like back in strat 1 and 2. Also The helicoptering pikes are still around in Na. Servers mostly people who have always been hardcore pikers like beeper etc. Besides blocking a helicopter pike is so easy JUST BLOCK DOWN! Christ you know he gunna just aim for you just block down!?

Most people playing Native would claim that Crpg is the spam filled glitch fest.

I never learned kicks they were just outside of my league. I learned chambers and what I am saying is a chamber is defeated by a double feint now where as in native the chamber is designed to punish the double feint giving the initiator of the chamber a free hit if the feint user doesn't block in time. Now the Chamber is punished by THE MUCH EASIER TO PERFORM double feint.

Besides I am pretty sure the spin nerf was placed to stop the 360 LOLCRUSH of the mauls. Which it for the most part has stopped the maul is just to slow to with the spin nerf to make that full 360 anymore. Only fellow I know who can still 360 lolzcrush stuff is Palatro The lord of MAULS!

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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #438 on: September 14, 2012, 09:24:24 pm »
But then again I guess your too young to remember what crpg melee was like back in strat 1 and 2.

Dude for real? =.=
I ve experienced the peasantwars and participated in each of the strategus rounds, been here since the start.

Foolish me thinking i could have a decent argument...
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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #439 on: September 14, 2012, 10:13:45 pm »
Dude for real? =.=
I ve experienced the peasantwars and participated in each of the strategus rounds, been here since the start.

Foolish me thinking i could have a decent argument...
Funny thing is you joined the forum before him, Greziz you're a fucking newmy old friend who don't know shit now fuck off bitch.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #440 on: September 14, 2012, 10:19:03 pm »
I joined the forum about a year after I started playing. Which I did stupidly in the Eu servers for about 6 months screaming zerg rush and dieing like a scrub until I finnally realized that unlike counter strike 130 ping is almost unworkable in melee and went Na. to learn to play for real. Sorry I didn't make my account and then immediately lurk forum all day. Hell this been the first time I been on the forums again in like 2 months. Only because I was looking for info on next strat and saw this soooo I made my own little post. Because unlike some I would like to say how I feel about something rather than just letting the maker of the mod only hear the troll speak of the never logged forum users.

Granted I look forward to the next strat. I love to lurk and post in all the rage troll epeen threads of strategus. Hopefully I can get kesh to come back he is the head of the troll strategus dept with us.

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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #441 on: September 14, 2012, 10:24:13 pm »
Im talking about perfect aimed hits with an agi build (9-30)
Where? It seems you are new, or you just cant remember a real awlpikecopter? A 360 degrees jumpstab that hits spot on. Turnspeednerf took that out of the game.

Besides he started the call out for being new. Sorry if you can't take what you dish.

[Litterally first time ever bothering to try and quote something in any forum you done made me tryhard.]

Offline Haboe

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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #442 on: September 14, 2012, 10:28:33 pm »
Besides he started the call out for being new. Sorry if you can't take what you dish.

I asked you if you were new or just dont remember awlpikecopters. (impossible on eu since a few months)

This is no longer about crpg, just  bitching about bitching, im out
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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #443 on: September 15, 2012, 03:04:15 pm »
Dear chadz.

                     I would like to petition that you revert the melee combat back to native gameplay. I deeply appreciate your attempts to fix some of the more gamey content of native gameplay but I find that the changes are less appealing than basic native gameplay. Let me tell you points and counter points to some of the changes.

1. The earlier active attacks which cause bounces less frequent and makes you bounce on objects and maul your teammates behind you with left and right swings. I know this was to address the cries of he swinging through walls and allies to get me.

My reason why I feel this is bad,

1. I feel this is bad because the raw 90 degree angle left and right and overheads are just a representation of all kinds of overheads and diagonals that one would use given surroundings and allies.  The old native gave you a small leniency when your weapon passed through allies knowing full well the games very limited animations of being 90 degress and decided to give players a bit of wiggle room on this based on the idea that your guy isn't a blood thirsty double brain celled microorganism using the super basic attacks to feed your epeen but plausibly would have chosen a slightly different attack direction to avoid slamming ones allies.

2. The almost extinquishing of bounce hits on slashes because your attack is active and at a lethal speed sooner almost completely eliminates defensive foot work and instead has opened up a slew of more vicious gamey hiltslashing instant hits that are far more difficult to counter.

3. Another weird change that happened due to this change is that chambers. {A very risky manuever of attacking an attack to block and attack at almost the same instant.} Has been almost completely phased out as it is now actually possible to release an attack see that it has had a chamber swing initiated cancel your swing feint into a different slash and with proper footwork and turning thanks to the new earlier active swings your 2nd swing will land before the chamber where as the chamber will have no chance as your placement and footwork to make a chamber succeed will be defeated. In Native the lack of an earlier active swing will punish the player for releasing a 2nd swing that would have been after the chamber initiation swing.

4. Also with proper footwork and religious turning it is now possible to swing after being hit with no need to block if you once again can put your new magic instant slash into position.

Now in favor of reverting the new turn radius nerf.

I haven't actually witnessed the turn radius nerf stop lol stabs or overheads in the least it has merely made it harder for those with less crack addicted ultra sensitive mouse characters to perform the same things as those of us with stupid high max mouse sensitivity.

And last but not least I would like to see a revert to the wpf curve to some degree.

I actually played a strength build when the game allowed the agility stackers to keep their wpf over generations and I found that at a certain point no matter how fast my opponents were thanks to natives very nice basic gameplay if one was to block and strike you could always make a counter swing. I did however notice that by gimping the wpf of the agility characters their damage output which was about a 3rd less than a strength build of similar mirror and a much less hp was diminished even further placing the strength build easily into the generally better catagory.

Too conclude this mod is still great but I feel like with each small patch to the gameplay which wasn't perfect in native the game become slightly more and more buggy and gamey than it originally was. I hope if you actually read this to recieve your thoughts on the post.

Respectfully an ardent undieing fan of this mod.

Sooooo, go play native. we play crpg. have fun

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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #444 on: September 16, 2012, 05:08:51 am »
Crpg still has elements of the game that I love.

1. Character Progression! I really like having my own outfit and own character build! This is sweet as shit!

2. Archers I believe have been brought to a good place from natives Mg 32's However atleast in native any one and every one can take a shield with little to no penalty.

3. The player base of crpg is more invested into the game and have played far longer than most native players and the skill of the crpg community is generally higher and makes for better fun.

4. Strategus! it is a great tie in.

5. Custom maps. Granted I hate most of the custom maps a few have been solid gems.

Thats all I got, however I think 5 great reasons to stay is better than 0.

Besides I play both native and Crpg. I just believe that the basic "Melee" Mechanics are less gamey and buggy than crpg's current melee gameplay.

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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #445 on: September 17, 2012, 04:44:21 pm »
add 10% gold steal when u win over someone in strat   :idea:
should reward bandits a bit more than just getting gear etc.

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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #446 on: September 17, 2012, 04:49:12 pm »

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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #447 on: September 23, 2012, 05:49:51 am »
SHield Bash
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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #448 on: September 24, 2012, 07:32:14 am »
Heirloom points restored. Maybe have it be optional for those players who are high level or dont want to be restarted. Hate looking at my Gen when I dont even have half the looms I should due to selling to the vendors because of weapon nerfs and (there was no market place) or scams. I dont think its fair how devs recently implemented rebates... where were my rebates when I lost about 500 hours of game time to get a weapon just for it to poof away.

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Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« Reply #449 on: September 24, 2012, 10:06:06 am »
Heirloom points restored. Maybe have it be optional for those players who are high level or dont want to be restarted. Hate looking at my Gen when I dont even have half the looms I should due to selling to the vendors because of weapon nerfs and (there was no market place) or scams. I dont think its fair how devs recently implemented rebates... where were my rebates when I lost about 500 hours of game time to get a weapon just for it to poof away.

I had the same, back in the old days when you had to be level 15 and played at least a week before You could retire. Sold many looms to shop to buy an other item, and deleted a lot of gen 3-4 chars because i simply had too much. In the end i had only my main char left with many gens on it, at some point i got back all loompoints i should have according to my generation. back then it was sooo easy to get looms, that i dont think its fair to give them back now just because you sold it to the shop.
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