Another troll clan. *slow claps*
All the best players in the game on the same team? You must be the type of ppl who would pretend to be retarded so you could win the special Olympics. At the end of the day, when you have fully loomed gear and more money than you can use and there is no longer any real challenge in this game, aren't you suppose to find a new game? I mean if you want to win so badly it's not even fun or challenging, there is always single player. Lolz
I don't have to pretend to be retarded, just that good.
In all seriousness, I *have* been looking for another game to play, but I haven't found anything really appealing to me. I'll probably be out of cRPG once Dark Souls releases on PC in August.
Honestly, if you have any recommendations I'd LOVE to hear them!